
Showing posts from September 13, 2018


For other uses, see Reformation (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Reform movement. Part of a series on Reformation Ninety-five Theses Precursors Arnold of Brescia and Arnoldists Peter Waldo and Waldensians John Wycliffe and Lollardy Jan Hus and Hussites Girolamo Savonarola Beginning Ninety-five Theses Diet of Worms Luther Bible Iconoclasm Magisterials Radicals Contributing factors Western Schism Avignon Papacy Bohemian Reformation Northern Renaissance Christian humanism German mysticism Johannes Gutenberg and his printing press Erasmus Johann Reuchlin Propaganda Art Theologies of seminal figures Theology of Martin Luther Theology of Huldrych Zwingli Theology of John Calvin Protestant Reformers Martin Luther Philip Melanchthon Huldrych Zwingli John Calvin Martin Bucer William Tyndale Andreas Karlstadt Theodore Beza Heinrich Bullinger Peter Martyr Vermigli William Farel John Knox Thomas Müntzer Balthasar Hubmaier Menno Simons Thomas Cranmer Richard Hooker Jacobus Arminius Roger