Former KPMG digital veteran launches new digital company

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Former KPMG digital veteran launches new digital company

Aims to guide business through the fourth industrial revolution

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Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Digital guru and former KPMG chief digital officer, Anthony Stevens, has launched a new company, Digital Asset Ventures.

Based in Melbourne, Digital Asset Ventures is an advisory, research and software development business, focused on three key areas: Distributed ledger technology, artificial intelligence, and big data and data networks. Its key client sweet spot is early-stage ventures looking for technology leadership and implementation support, and pre-digital incumbents’ (mid to large corporations with pre-digital origins). The venture aims to transform the way companies operate and compete in the digital age.

Stevens' team includes fellow KPMG alumnus Louis Strauss as lead strategist, Rajesh Barade as financial market analyst, Alexander Sly as token and DLT analyst, Tishan Jayasekera as financial analyst, and Simon Overend as digital product owner.

His third business, Stevens said Digital Asset Ventures aims to guide companies through the colossal task of digital transformation.

“Having founded two start-ups, and worked for businesses of different shapes and sizes, I have consistently seen the challenge faced by companies with digital transformation – understanding how to take risk, where to prioritise and, in many cases, just move from zero to one,” he said. 

“Our goal is to provide strategic and execution capability to support corporate ventures underpinned by technology. There is a massive opportunity to support the shift many companies are undertaking as they move into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” 

Prior to his roles as CDO and CIO at KPMG, Stevens worked for Spotless Group, where he led the company’s IT and business transformation program. He is also the founder and chairman of DeviceDesk.

Follow CMO on Twitter: @CMOAustralia, take part in the CMO conversation on LinkedIn: CMO ANZ, join us on Facebook:, or check us out on  

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Blog Posts

Is design thinking the answer for the next generation of marketing?

The speed and pace of change will never be slower than we’re experiencing today. So in this era of unprecedented change, how can brands meet soaring consumer expectations, stay relevant and deliver differentiated and connected experiences?

Merryn Olifent

Senior consultant, G2 Innovation

Why it’s time to ditch the 4Ps and embrace the 4Cs of modern marketing purpose

There is a very simple and fascinating experiment you can conduct in your own organisation: Ask 10 of your colleagues to define ‘marketing’. I can guarantee 10 widely varying definitions.

Ric Navarro

Global director of marketing and communications, Norman, Disney & Young

Data has the power to build or burn brands

A brand can be severely wounded by use or misuse of any of its assets and you could say data has the greatest power of all to inflict damage.

Lucy Acheson

Head of data strategy and customer experience, LIDA

if you want to wach nfl nive steaming free go there &gt;&gt;&gt;sportsliveinfo .com

Ethel Parkinson

Just over 2 weeks left to get those CMO50 submissions in!

Read more

we see that NFL has startedand it is really very enjoyable game. I have a simple andtrusted way ... here is the way..&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv ...

Ethel Parkinson

Industry welcomes new integrated TV viewing database

Read more

hello friends you know that nfl is started so if it watch you go here &lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv .blogspot

Ethel Parkinson

Amazon Prime Day fizzles yet retailer expects membership growth

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"According to Houston, western brands will have to match their Asian counterparts, because Asian consumers always check if a product is r...

Col Blake

Brands without an active anti-counterfeit strategy are leaving themselves vulnerable

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office partitions canada


How Good Shepherd is turning data into actionable insights to improve CX

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Web Events

CMO Webinar | Creating memorable customer experiences: The who, what and how

Lessons from the best: Modern marketing leadership strategy from the CMO50


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Latest Podcast

Getting Intimate with CX bonus episode: Louise Eyres on showing customer centricity

In this bonus last episode of this new podcast series, BrandHook MD, Pip Stocks, talks with former ANZ group general manager of marketing, Louise Eyres, talks about the importance of thinking like a customer and using intuition to solve customer painpoints.

  • 03 October 2017

  • 0:25:57

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Former KPMG digital veteran launches new digital company

Aims to guide business through the fourth industrial revolution

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Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Digital guru and former KPMG chief digital officer, Anthony Stevens, has launched a new company, Digital Asset Ventures.

Based in Melbourne, Digital Asset Ventures is an advisory, research and software development business, focused on three key areas: Distributed ledger technology, artificial intelligence, and big data and data networks. Its key client sweet spot is early-stage ventures looking for technology leadership and implementation support, and pre-digital incumbents’ (mid to large corporations with pre-digital origins). The venture aims to transform the way companies operate and compete in the digital age.

Stevens' team includes fellow KPMG alumnus Louis Strauss as lead strategist, Rajesh Barade as financial market analyst, Alexander Sly as token and DLT analyst, Tishan Jayasekera as financial analyst, and Simon Overend as digital product owner.

His third business, Stevens said Digital Asset Ventures aims to guide companies through the colossal task of digital transformation.

“Having founded two start-ups, and worked for businesses of different shapes and sizes, I have consistently seen the challenge faced by companies with digital transformation – understanding how to take risk, where to prioritise and, in many cases, just move from zero to one,” he said. 

“Our goal is to provide strategic and execution capability to support corporate ventures underpinned by technology. There is a massive opportunity to support the shift many companies are undertaking as they move into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” 

Prior to his roles as CDO and CIO at KPMG, Stevens worked for Spotless Group, where he led the company’s IT and business transformation program. He is also the founder and chairman of DeviceDesk.

Follow CMO on Twitter: @CMOAustralia, take part in the CMO conversation on LinkedIn: CMO ANZ, join us on Facebook:, or check us out on  

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Blog Posts

Is design thinking the answer for the next generation of marketing?

The speed and pace of change will never be slower than we’re experiencing today. So in this era of unprecedented change, how can brands meet soaring consumer expectations, stay relevant and deliver differentiated and connected experiences?

Merryn Olifent

Senior consultant, G2 Innovation

Why it’s time to ditch the 4Ps and embrace the 4Cs of modern marketing purpose

There is a very simple and fascinating experiment you can conduct in your own organisation: Ask 10 of your colleagues to define ‘marketing’. I can guarantee 10 widely varying definitions.

Ric Navarro

Global director of marketing and communications, Norman, Disney & Young

Data has the power to build or burn brands

A brand can be severely wounded by use or misuse of any of its assets and you could say data has the greatest power of all to inflict damage.

Lucy Acheson

Head of data strategy and customer experience, LIDA

if you want to wach nfl nive steaming free go there &gt;&gt;&gt;sportsliveinfo .com

Ethel Parkinson

Just over 2 weeks left to get those CMO50 submissions in!

Read more

we see that NFL has startedand it is really very enjoyable game. I have a simple andtrusted way ... here is the way..&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv ...

Ethel Parkinson

Industry welcomes new integrated TV viewing database

Read more

hello friends you know that nfl is started so if it watch you go here &lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv .blogspot

Ethel Parkinson

Amazon Prime Day fizzles yet retailer expects membership growth

Read more

"According to Houston, western brands will have to match their Asian counterparts, because Asian consumers always check if a product is r...

Col Blake

Brands without an active anti-counterfeit strategy are leaving themselves vulnerable

Read more

office partitions canada


How Good Shepherd is turning data into actionable insights to improve CX

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Web Events

CMO Webinar | Creating memorable customer experiences: The who, what and how

Lessons from the best: Modern marketing leadership strategy from the CMO50


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Latest Podcast

Getting Intimate with CX bonus episode: Louise Eyres on showing customer centricity

In this bonus last episode of this new podcast series, BrandHook MD, Pip Stocks, talks with former ANZ group general manager of marketing, Louise Eyres, talks about the importance of thinking like a customer and using intuition to solve customer painpoints.

  • 03 October 2017

  • 0:25:57

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Former KPMG digital veteran launches new digital company

Aims to guide business through the fourth industrial revolution

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Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Digital guru and former KPMG chief digital officer, Anthony Stevens, has launched a new company, Digital Asset Ventures.

Based in Melbourne, Digital Asset Ventures is an advisory, research and software development business, focused on three key areas: Distributed ledger technology, artificial intelligence, and big data and data networks. Its key client sweet spot is early-stage ventures looking for technology leadership and implementation support, and pre-digital incumbents’ (mid to large corporations with pre-digital origins). The venture aims to transform the way companies operate and compete in the digital age.

Stevens' team includes fellow KPMG alumnus Louis Strauss as lead strategist, Rajesh Barade as financial market analyst, Alexander Sly as token and DLT analyst, Tishan Jayasekera as financial analyst, and Simon Overend as digital product owner.

His third business, Stevens said Digital Asset Ventures aims to guide companies through the colossal task of digital transformation.

“Having founded two start-ups, and worked for businesses of different shapes and sizes, I have consistently seen the challenge faced by companies with digital transformation – understanding how to take risk, where to prioritise and, in many cases, just move from zero to one,” he said. 

“Our goal is to provide strategic and execution capability to support corporate ventures underpinned by technology. There is a massive opportunity to support the shift many companies are undertaking as they move into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” 

Prior to his roles as CDO and CIO at KPMG, Stevens worked for Spotless Group, where he led the company’s IT and business transformation program. He is also the founder and chairman of DeviceDesk.

Follow CMO on Twitter: @CMOAustralia, take part in the CMO conversation on LinkedIn: CMO ANZ, join us on Facebook:, or check us out on  

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Blog Posts

Is design thinking the answer for the next generation of marketing?

The speed and pace of change will never be slower than we’re experiencing today. So in this era of unprecedented change, how can brands meet soaring consumer expectations, stay relevant and deliver differentiated and connected experiences?

Merryn Olifent

Senior consultant, G2 Innovation

Why it’s time to ditch the 4Ps and embrace the 4Cs of modern marketing purpose

There is a very simple and fascinating experiment you can conduct in your own organisation: Ask 10 of your colleagues to define ‘marketing’. I can guarantee 10 widely varying definitions.

Ric Navarro

Global director of marketing and communications, Norman, Disney & Young

Data has the power to build or burn brands

A brand can be severely wounded by use or misuse of any of its assets and you could say data has the greatest power of all to inflict damage.

Lucy Acheson

Head of data strategy and customer experience, LIDA

if you want to wach nfl nive steaming free go there &gt;&gt;&gt;sportsliveinfo .com

Ethel Parkinson

Just over 2 weeks left to get those CMO50 submissions in!

Read more

we see that NFL has startedand it is really very enjoyable game. I have a simple andtrusted way ... here is the way..&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv ...

Ethel Parkinson

Industry welcomes new integrated TV viewing database

Read more

hello friends you know that nfl is started so if it watch you go here &lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv .blogspot

Ethel Parkinson

Amazon Prime Day fizzles yet retailer expects membership growth

Read more

"According to Houston, western brands will have to match their Asian counterparts, because Asian consumers always check if a product is r...

Col Blake

Brands without an active anti-counterfeit strategy are leaving themselves vulnerable

Read more

office partitions canada


How Good Shepherd is turning data into actionable insights to improve CX

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Web Events

CMO Webinar | Creating memorable customer experiences: The who, what and how

Lessons from the best: Modern marketing leadership strategy from the CMO50


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Latest Podcast

Getting Intimate with CX bonus episode: Louise Eyres on showing customer centricity

In this bonus last episode of this new podcast series, BrandHook MD, Pip Stocks, talks with former ANZ group general manager of marketing, Louise Eyres, talks about the importance of thinking like a customer and using intuition to solve customer painpoints.

  • 03 October 2017

  • 0:25:57

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Former KPMG digital veteran launches new digital company

Aims to guide business through the fourth industrial revolution

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Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Digital guru and former KPMG chief digital officer, Anthony Stevens, has launched a new company, Digital Asset Ventures.

Based in Melbourne, Digital Asset Ventures is an advisory, research and software development business, focused on three key areas: Distributed ledger technology, artificial intelligence, and big data and data networks. Its key client sweet spot is early-stage ventures looking for technology leadership and implementation support, and pre-digital incumbents’ (mid to large corporations with pre-digital origins). The venture aims to transform the way companies operate and compete in the digital age.

Stevens' team includes fellow KPMG alumnus Louis Strauss as lead strategist, Rajesh Barade as financial market analyst, Alexander Sly as token and DLT analyst, Tishan Jayasekera as financial analyst, and Simon Overend as digital product owner.

His third business, Stevens said Digital Asset Ventures aims to guide companies through the colossal task of digital transformation.

“Having founded two start-ups, and worked for businesses of different shapes and sizes, I have consistently seen the challenge faced by companies with digital transformation – understanding how to take risk, where to prioritise and, in many cases, just move from zero to one,” he said. 

“Our goal is to provide strategic and execution capability to support corporate ventures underpinned by technology. There is a massive opportunity to support the shift many companies are undertaking as they move into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” 

Prior to his roles as CDO and CIO at KPMG, Stevens worked for Spotless Group, where he led the company’s IT and business transformation program. He is also the founder and chairman of DeviceDesk.

Follow CMO on Twitter: @CMOAustralia, take part in the CMO conversation on LinkedIn: CMO ANZ, join us on Facebook:, or check us out on  

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Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Digital guru and former KPMG chief digital officer, Anthony Stevens, has launched a new company, Digital Asset Ventures.

Based in Melbourne, Digital Asset Ventures is an advisory, research and software development business, focused on three key areas: Distributed ledger technology, artificial intelligence, and big data and data networks. Its key client sweet spot is early-stage ventures looking for technology leadership and implementation support, and pre-digital incumbents’ (mid to large corporations with pre-digital origins). The venture aims to transform the way companies operate and compete in the digital age.

Stevens' team includes fellow KPMG alumnus Louis Strauss as lead strategist, Rajesh Barade as financial market analyst, Alexander Sly as token and DLT analyst, Tishan Jayasekera as financial analyst, and Simon Overend as digital product owner.

His third business, Stevens said Digital Asset Ventures aims to guide companies through the colossal task of digital transformation.

“Having founded two start-ups, and worked for businesses of different shapes and sizes, I have consistently seen the challenge faced by companies with digital transformation – understanding how to take risk, where to prioritise and, in many cases, just move from zero to one,” he said. 

“Our goal is to provide strategic and execution capability to support corporate ventures underpinned by technology. There is a massive opportunity to support the shift many companies are undertaking as they move into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” 

Prior to his roles as CDO and CIO at KPMG, Stevens worked for Spotless Group, where he led the company’s IT and business transformation program. He is also the founder and chairman of DeviceDesk.

Follow CMO on Twitter: @CMOAustralia, take part in the CMO conversation on LinkedIn: CMO ANZ, join us on Facebook:, or check us out on  

Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

Anthony Stevens - Founder, Devicedesk

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Blog Posts

Is design thinking the answer for the next generation of marketing?

The speed and pace of change will never be slower than we’re experiencing today. So in this era of unprecedented change, how can brands meet soaring consumer expectations, stay relevant and deliver differentiated and connected experiences?

Merryn Olifent

Senior consultant, G2 Innovation

Why it’s time to ditch the 4Ps and embrace the 4Cs of modern marketing purpose

There is a very simple and fascinating experiment you can conduct in your own organisation: Ask 10 of your colleagues to define ‘marketing’. I can guarantee 10 widely varying definitions.

Ric Navarro

Global director of marketing and communications, Norman, Disney & Young

Data has the power to build or burn brands

A brand can be severely wounded by use or misuse of any of its assets and you could say data has the greatest power of all to inflict damage.

Lucy Acheson

Head of data strategy and customer experience, LIDA

if you want to wach nfl nive steaming free go there &gt;&gt;&gt;sportsliveinfo .com

Ethel Parkinson

Just over 2 weeks left to get those CMO50 submissions in!

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we see that NFL has startedand it is really very enjoyable game. I have a simple andtrusted way ... here is the way..&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv ...

Ethel Parkinson

Industry welcomes new integrated TV viewing database

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hello friends you know that nfl is started so if it watch you go here &lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv .blogspot

Ethel Parkinson

Amazon Prime Day fizzles yet retailer expects membership growth

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"According to Houston, western brands will have to match their Asian counterparts, because Asian consumers always check if a product is r...

Col Blake

Brands without an active anti-counterfeit strategy are leaving themselves vulnerable

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office partitions canada


How Good Shepherd is turning data into actionable insights to improve CX

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Web Events

CMO Webinar | Creating memorable customer experiences: The who, what and how

Lessons from the best: Modern marketing leadership strategy from the CMO50


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Latest Podcast

Getting Intimate with CX bonus episode: Louise Eyres on showing customer centricity

In this bonus last episode of this new podcast series, BrandHook MD, Pip Stocks, talks with former ANZ group general manager of marketing, Louise Eyres, talks about the importance of thinking like a customer and using intuition to solve customer painpoints.

  • 03 October 2017

  • 0:25:57

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Is design thinking the answer for the next generation of marketing?

The speed and pace of change will never be slower than we’re experiencing today. So in this era of unprecedented change, how can brands meet soaring consumer expectations, stay relevant and deliver differentiated and connected experiences?

Merryn Olifent

Senior consultant, G2 Innovation

Why it’s time to ditch the 4Ps and embrace the 4Cs of modern marketing purpose

There is a very simple and fascinating experiment you can conduct in your own organisation: Ask 10 of your colleagues to define ‘marketing’. I can guarantee 10 widely varying definitions.

Ric Navarro

Global director of marketing and communications, Norman, Disney & Young

Data has the power to build or burn brands

A brand can be severely wounded by use or misuse of any of its assets and you could say data has the greatest power of all to inflict damage.

Lucy Acheson

Head of data strategy and customer experience, LIDA

Is design thinking the answer for the next generation of marketing?

The speed and pace of change will never be slower than we’re experiencing today. So in this era of unprecedented change, how can brands meet soaring consumer expectations, stay relevant and deliver differentiated and connected experiences?

Merryn Olifent

Senior consultant, G2 Innovation

Merryn Olifent

Senior consultant, G2 Innovation

Why it’s time to ditch the 4Ps and embrace the 4Cs of modern marketing purpose

There is a very simple and fascinating experiment you can conduct in your own organisation: Ask 10 of your colleagues to define ‘marketing’. I can guarantee 10 widely varying definitions.

Ric Navarro

Global director of marketing and communications, Norman, Disney & Young

Ric Navarro

Global director of marketing and communications, Norman, Disney & Young

Data has the power to build or burn brands

A brand can be severely wounded by use or misuse of any of its assets and you could say data has the greatest power of all to inflict damage.

Lucy Acheson

Head of data strategy and customer experience, LIDA

Lucy Acheson

Head of data strategy and customer experience, LIDA

if you want to wach nfl nive steaming free go there &gt;&gt;&gt;sportsliveinfo .com

Ethel Parkinson

Just over 2 weeks left to get those CMO50 submissions in!

Read more

we see that NFL has startedand it is really very enjoyable game. I have a simple andtrusted way ... here is the way..&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv ...

Ethel Parkinson

Industry welcomes new integrated TV viewing database

Read more

hello friends you know that nfl is started so if it watch you go here &lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv .blogspot

Ethel Parkinson

Amazon Prime Day fizzles yet retailer expects membership growth

Read more

"According to Houston, western brands will have to match their Asian counterparts, because Asian consumers always check if a product is r...

Col Blake

Brands without an active anti-counterfeit strategy are leaving themselves vulnerable

Read more

office partitions canada


How Good Shepherd is turning data into actionable insights to improve CX

Read more

if you want to wach nfl nive steaming free go there &gt;&gt;&gt;sportsliveinfo .com

Ethel Parkinson

Just over 2 weeks left to get those CMO50 submissions in!

Read more

Just over 2 weeks left to get those CMO50 submissions in!

we see that NFL has startedand it is really very enjoyable game. I have a simple andtrusted way ... here is the way..&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv ...

Ethel Parkinson

Industry welcomes new integrated TV viewing database

Read more

Industry welcomes new integrated TV viewing database

hello friends you know that nfl is started so if it watch you go here &lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;fwcrussiatv .blogspot

Ethel Parkinson

Amazon Prime Day fizzles yet retailer expects membership growth

Read more

Amazon Prime Day fizzles yet retailer expects membership growth

"According to Houston, western brands will have to match their Asian counterparts, because Asian consumers always check if a product is r...

Col Blake

Brands without an active anti-counterfeit strategy are leaving themselves vulnerable

Read more

Brands without an active anti-counterfeit strategy are leaving themselves vulnerable

office partitions canada


How Good Shepherd is turning data into actionable insights to improve CX

Read more

How Good Shepherd is turning data into actionable insights to improve CX

Web Events

CMO Webinar | Creating memorable customer experiences: The who, what and how

Lessons from the best: Modern marketing leadership strategy from the CMO50


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CMO Webinar | Creating memorable customer experiences: The who, what and how

Lessons from the best: Modern marketing leadership strategy from the CMO50

Latest Podcast

Getting Intimate with CX bonus episode: Louise Eyres on showing customer centricity

In this bonus last episode of this new podcast series, BrandHook MD, Pip Stocks, talks with former ANZ group general manager of marketing, Louise Eyres, talks about the importance of thinking like a customer and using intuition to solve customer painpoints.

  • 03 October 2017

  • 0:25:57

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More podcasts

Getting Intimate with CX bonus episode: Louise Eyres on showing customer centricity

In this bonus last episode of this new podcast series, BrandHook MD, Pip Stocks, talks with former ANZ group general manager of marketing, Louise Eyres, talks about the importance of thinking like a customer and using intuition to solve customer painpoints.

  • 03 October 2017

  • 0:25:57

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