List of character races in Dungeons & Dragons

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Multi tool use

A character race is a fundamental part of the identity and nature of characters in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.

Each race has a distinct appearance, behavior and often range of statistics associated with it. The following races have appeared in D&D throughout its history.


  • 1 Core races

  • 2 Races from other sourcebooks

  • 3 Key

  • 4 References

Core races

In each edition, the core player character races are detailed in one of that edition's core rulebooks: Men & Monsters for "original" Dungeons & Dragons, the Basic Set and Rules Cyclopedia for "basic" Dungeons & Dragons and the Player's Handbook for all other editions.

RaceEditions as a core raceSourcebooks in other editions
Dragonborn4th, 5thRaces of the Dragon(3.5, T)
Eladrin4thDungeon Master's Guide(5th)
Gnome1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3.5, 5thPlayer's Handbook II(4th)
Half-elf1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3.5, 4th, 5thGreyhawk(O)
Half-orc1st, 3rd, 3.5, 5th
Complete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Player's Handbook II(4th), Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms(4th)
Tiefling4th, 5thThe Planewalker's Handbook(2nd), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting(3rd), Monster Manual(3.5, M), Races of Destiny(3.5), Planar Handbook(3.5)

Races from other sourcebooks

Dark Sun Campaign Setting, Expanded and Revised(2nd), Complete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Races of Faerûn(3rd), Dark Sun Player's Handbook(3.5), Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerun(3rd) , Elemental Evil Players' Companion(5th)
Aasimar / DevaPlanewalker's Handbook(2nd), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting(3rd), Races of Faerûn(3rd), Monster Manual(3.5, M), Planar Handbook(3.5), Races of Destiny(3.5), Player's Handbook 2(4th), Dungeon Master's Guide(5th), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
ArmandMonster Manual III(3.5)
AurakDragonlance Campaign Setting(3.5)
AzerMonster Manual(3.5, M)
AzurinMagic of Incarnum(3.5)
BaazDragonlance Campaign Setting(3.5)
BariaurPlanewalker's Handbook(2nd), Planar Handbook(3.5)
BladelingManual of the Planes(4th)
Blue (Goblin)Expanded Psionics Handbook(3.5, M)
BozakDragonlance Campaign Setting(3.5)
BullywugComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual 2(4th, M)
BugbearComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M; 4th), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
BuommanPlanar Handbook(3.5)
CatfolkRaces of the Wild(3.5)
CentaurComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Races of Faerûn(3rd), Monster Manual(3.5, M), Races of the Wild(3.5)
ChangelingEberron Campaign Setting(3.5), Eberron Player's Guide(4th)
Chaos GnomeRaces of Stone(3.5)
Deep ImaskarriUnderdark(3.5)
DiopsidThe Dragon Compendium, Volume 1(3.5)
DrowComplete Book of Elves(2nd), Monster Manual(3rd, M; 3.5, M; 4th), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting(3rd), Underdark(3.5), Forgotten Realms Player's Guide(4th), Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms(4th), Player's Handbook, as Elf subrace(5th)
Dire Wereboar (Lycanthrope)Monster Manual(3.5, M, T), Races of Faerûn(3rd, T)
DoppelgangerMonster Manual(3.5, M), Races of Destiny(3.5), Monster Manual(4th)
Draconic creatureRaces of the Dragon(3.5, T)
DracotaurMonster Manual III(3.5)
DromiteExpanded Psionics Handbook(3.5)
Duergar / Gray DwarfMonster Manual(3rd, M; 3.5, M), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting(3rd), Underdark(3.5), Monster Manual 2(4th, M), Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide(5th)
DusklingMagic of Incarnum(3.5)
DvatiThe Dragon Compendium, Volume 1(3.5)
Expanded Psionics Handbook(3.5)
Feral GargunRaces of Stone(3.5)
Fey'riRaces of Faerûn(3rd)
Frost GiantMonster Manual(3.5, M)
GargoyleMonster Manual(3.5, M)
GenasiForgotten Realms Player's Guide(4th), Elemental Evil Players' Companion(5th)
Ghostwalk(3.5, T)
A Guide to the Astral Plane(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M; 4th), Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes(5th)
GithzeraiPlanewalker's Handbook(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M; 4th), Player's Handbook 3(4th), Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes(5th)
GnollComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Unapproachable East(3rd), Monster Manual(3.5, M; 4th), Races of the Wild(3.5)
GoblinComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M; 4th), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
GoblinoidRaces of Faerûn(3rd)
GoliathRaces of Stone(3.5), Player's Handbook 2(4th), Elemental Evil Players' Companion(5th), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
GrimlockMonster Manual(3.5, M), Underdark(3.5)
HagspawnUnapproachable East(3rd)
Half-CelestialMonster Manual(3.5, M, T)
Half-DragonMonster Manual(3.5, M, T), Races of the Dragon(3.5)
Half-FiendMonster Manual(3.5, M)
Half-GiantDark Sun Boxed Set(2nd), Dark Sun Campaign Setting Expanded and Revised(2nd), Expanded Psionics Handbook(3.5)
Half-OgreComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Savage Species(3rd), Races of Destiny(3.5)
Heroes of the Feywild(4th)
HellbredFiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells(3.5)
HengeyokaiOriental Adventures(1st; 3rd)
Hill GiantMonster Manual(3.5, M)
HobgoblinComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M; 4th), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
IllumianRaces of Destiny(3.5)
JaebrinMonster Manual V(3.5)
Janni (Genie)Monster Manual(3.5, M)
KalashtarRaces of Eberron(3.5), Eberron Player's Guide(4th)
KapakDragonlance Campaign Setting(3.5)
KenderDragonlance Campaign Setting(3.5)
KenkuMonster Manual 2(4th, M), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
KillorenRaces of the Wild(3.5)
Kir-LananRaces of Faerûn(3rd)
KoboldComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M; 4th), Races of the Dragon(3.5), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
KorobokuruOriental Adventures(1st; 3rd)
LichMonster Manual(3.5, M, T)
Lizardfolk / LizardmanRaces of Faerûn(3rd), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
LoxoShining South(3.5)
LupinThe Dragon Compendium, Volume 1(3.5)
MaenadExpanded Psionics Handbook(3.5)
MephlingPlanar Handbook(3.5)
IllithidMonster Manual(3.5, M)
MinotaurComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M; 4th), Player's Handbook 3(4th)
Modron, RoguePlanewalker's Handbook(2nd)
MongrelfolkComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Races of Destiny(3.5)
MulDark Sun Boxed Set(2nd), Dark Sun Campaign Setting Expanded and Revised(2nd), Dark Sun Campaign Setting(4th)
NeraphimPlanar Handbook(3.5)
NezumiOriental Adventures(3rd)
OgreComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5)
OrcComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M; 4th), Races of Faerûn(3rd), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
Phrenic creatureExpanded Psionics Handbook(3.5, T)
PixieComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M), Heroes of the Feywild(4th)
PterranDark Sun Campaign Setting Expanded and Revised(2nd)
RakastaRage of the Rakasta(2nd)
RakshasaMonster Manual(3.5, M)
RaptoranRaces of the Wild(3.5)
RevenantHeroes of Shadow(4th)
RilkanMagic of Incarnum(3.5)
SatyrComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Monster Manual(3.5, M), Heroes of the Feywild(4th)
Sea KinRaces of Destiny(3.5)
Shadar-kaiMonster Manual(4th)
ShadeRaces of Faerûn(3rd), Heroes of Shadow(4th)
ShadowswyftPlanar Handbook(3.5)
SharakimCityscape(3.5), Races of Destiny(3.5)
ShardmindPlayer's Handbook 3(4th)
ShifterEberron Campaign Setting(3.5), Monster Manual(4th), Player's Handbook 2(4th)
SivakDragonlance Campaign Setting(3.5)
SkarnMagic of Incarnum(3.5)
SkulkRaces of Destiny(3.5)
SpellscaleRaces of the Dragon(3.5, T)
SpikerPlanar Handbook(3.5)
Spirit FolkOriental Adventures(1st; 3rd), Unapproachable East(3rd)
StonechildRaces of Stone(3.5)
SynadComplete Psionic(3.5)
TabaxiVolo's Guide to Monsters(5th)
TaerUnapproachable East(3rd)
TanarukkRaces of Faerûn(3rd)
Thri-KreenDark Sun Boxed Set(2nd), Dark Sun Campaign Setting Expanded and Revised(2nd), Expanded Psionics Handbook(3.5, M), Shining South(3.5), Dark Sun Campaign Setting(4th)
TibbitThe Dragon Compendium, Volume 1(3.5)
TroglodyteMonster Manual(3.5, M)
TrollMonster Manual(3.5, M)
UnbodiedExpanded Psionics Handbook(3.5, M)
UnderfolkRaces of Destiny(3.5)
VampireMonster Manual(3.5, M, T)
VanaraOriental Adventures(3rd)
VolodniUnapproachable East(3rd)
VrylokaHeroes of Shadow(4th)
WarforgedEberron Campaign Setting(3.5), Eberron Players Guide(4th)
WemicComplete Book of Humanoids(2nd), Races of Faerûn(3rd), The Complete Book of Humanoids(2nd)
WildenPlayer's Handbook 3(4th)
WildrenPlanar Handbook(3.5)
XephExpanded Psionics Handbook(3.5)
Yuan-tiRaces of Faerûn(3rd), Monster Manual(3.5), Volo's Guide to Monsters(5th)


O"Original" Dungeons & Dragons
B"Basic" Dungeons & Dragons
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
Dungeons & Dragons v. 3.5
Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
MPlayable race entry is contained within a monster entry
TPlayable template


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