Avoid repeated columns from a select statement

Multi tool use
Avoid repeated columns from a select statement
My database contains a table person
with these fields username, name, online, visible, ...
username, name, online, visible, ...
I have the following query to fetch the person
WHEN online = 0 THEN 0
WHEN visible = 0 THEN 0
ELSE online
END AS online
FROM person
where id = SOMEID
I am trying to move the online/offline with respect to user-set visibility logic right into the query. Basically show online status depending on visibility status (If the user has chosen to be invisible, show offline even if the user is online).
This kind of works but with an issue. I get two repeated columns in the result of this query.
username | name | online | visible | ... | online
x | x | x | x | ... | x
For reasons not in my control I am stuck with using SELECT *
instead of manually typing in the columns as SELECT username, name, visible, ...
. Is there a way to exclude online
field from SELECT *
? Since it will be created by the CASE statement later.
SELECT username, name, visible, ...
Why are you stuck with the SELECT * ?
– olleo
Jul 2 at 11:07
2 Answers
Unfortunately, * means all the columns, there is no way to exclude a particular column from select *. May be you can name your column something else like "online_status" and use "online_status" in your code instead of the column "online".
Yes seems like this is the only way
– pewpewlasers
Jul 3 at 5:08
Such a feature exists in neither Postgres nor the SQL. I think this is a quite interesting question so I googled a little bit and came across an interesting article on postgresonline.com.
They show an approach that selects the columns directly from the schema:
SELECT 'SELECT ' || array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT 'o' || '.' || c.column_name
FROM information_schema.columns As c
WHERE table_name = 'officepark'
AND c.column_name NOT IN('officeparkid', 'contractor')
), ',') || ' FROM officepark As o' As sqlstmt
You could create a function that does something like that. Such topics were also discussed on the mailing lists, but the overall consensus was pretty much the same: query the schema.
I'm sure that there are other solutions but I think they will all involve some kind of magic schema-queriying-foo.
BTW: Be carefull with SELECT * ...
as this can have performance penalties
SELECT * ...
Such a feature exists in neither Postgres nor the SQL.
I would be more cautious with such statements. SELECT * EXCEPT ...
exists.– Lukasz Szozda
Jul 2 at 10:35
Such a feature exists in neither Postgres nor the SQL.
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Not really, but you could create a view
– WW.
Jul 2 at 10:24