how to save two plots simultaneously in gnuplot

Multi tool use
how to save two plots simultaneously in gnuplot
I havebeen trying to plot two curves simultaneously in a single plot to compare them. ie, by the command:
plot "1.txt" w l, "2.txt" w l
now I want to save it, but the usual command for saving is:
set out "1.txt"
but in this case how can I save them together in a same plot?
1 Answer
For saving a plot as a file on your disk, you need to setup two things: a terminal
and an output
. Suppose you have configured your plot interactively in a command-line gnuplot session, this is an example:
set terminal png
set output "myplot.png"
unset output
where replot
does what its command name suggests, it repeats the last plot
command - and if that last plot command showed both curves as you wanted it, they will identically show up in the output file. For info on supported terminal types on your system, read help terminal
help terminal
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Jul 2 at 10:16