Creating a private 2D float array - Objective C

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Creating a private 2D float array - Objective C

I am tring to create a private 2D float array and initialize it in constructor. I am getting "Expected Expression" error. I searched for a long while and couldn't find anything.

Here is my code:

@interface SampleClass : NSObject{
float stops[2][2];


@implementation SampleClass

- (id) init{
self = [super init]; // Edited
stops = { {1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 2.0} }; // It gives "Expected Expression" at this line
return self;


I tried different versions like:

stops = { {1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 2.0} };
stops = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0 };
stops = { {1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 2.0} };

Non of them seems to work.

I am new to Objective C so any recommendation is appreciated.

Not related to the issue but you must call super in init. Take a look at init.
– Willeke
Jul 2 at 10:38



1 Answer

(Objective-)C does not support assignment of one array to another, there are workarounds involving struct as they are assignable but you don't need to go there.


If you are after a constant array to be used by instances you can just declare it as static:


static const float stops[2][2] = { {27.3, 51.7}, {93.2, 42.24}};

The static makes stops accessible only to code within the same file. You can place the declaration between the @implementation and @end to at least visually associate it as belonging to a class.





The above is not suitable if you need a variable array, but does form part of a solution. Keep your instance variable:

float stops[2][2];

This must be an array, not some pointer, as it must allocate the space for your floats. Next use the above declaration but give it a different name:

static const float _stops_init[2][2] = { {27.3, 51.7}, {93.2, 42.24}};

and then in your init use the standard C function memcpy() to copy the values in the memory occupied by _stops_init into the memory occupied by stops:





memcpy(stops, _stops_init, sizeof(_stops_init));

Here sizeof() will return the total size in bytes of the memory used by your float array _stops_init and memcpy() copies those bytes over those associated with stops – that is it implements array assignment which C doesn't directly support.





Using the static const array rather than a local variable define in init() as the source of your values saves re-creating the source on every call to init().

static const



The above code doesn't do all the checks it should - at minimum an assert() checking that the sizes of stops and _stops_init are the same is advisable.





Should I put the static _stops_init array decleration inside curly brackets right after @implementarion or just directly inside it, next to class methods? What is the difference?
– user1444
Jul 3 at 5:43

The declaration goes at file level, just like methods. Technically you are declaring a variable with the lifetime of a global but whose name visibility is scoped to the file. Braces directly following @implementation enclose instance variable declarations. Indeed it is better if you drop the @private and move the declaration of stops into this implementation instance variable declaration area, such variables are automatically only accessible from within the implementation which is good practice for instance variables.
Jul 3 at 6:06




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