Recursively calculate the sum of an Array of integers in JavaScript

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Recursively calculate the sum of an Array of integers in JavaScript
I wanted to write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of an array of integers Recursively.
Expected Results
Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Output: 21
I achieved the above results with this code:
function calculateSum(array) {
if (array instanceof Array){
if (!array.some(isNaN)) {
var total = 0;
array.forEach(function (value) {
total += value;
return total;
return "Provide an Array with only Numeric Values";
return "Please provide an Array";
But I'm looking for a solution that uses Recursion.
EDIT: I started doing the above exercise to practice Recursion. I was having a hard time figuring that out. So, That's why I posted this. I'd be glad if you understood.
Thanks in advance.
@Carcigenicate I want a solution that uses Recursion
– Thawindu Angesh Tuto
Jul 1 at 16:10
Yes. Where are you stuck though? Asking to supply an entire solution is too broad. Show your attempt and ask a specific question regarding where you're stuck.
– Carcigenicate
Jul 1 at 16:12
Why recursion when
can easily do what you want?– Terry
Jul 1 at 16:36
4 Answers
To use recursion you simply need a base case and way to spilt the input into something smaller you can recurse with.
The sum of an array of length 1 is just arr[0]
right? So that's a plausible base case. With a larger array, the sum is one element plus the sum of all the others. So that's your other case: arr[0] + sum(everything else)
arr[0] + sum(everything else)
Now you can write a simple function with just those two cases:
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
function add(arr) {
if (arr.length == 1) return arr[0] // base case
return arr[0] + add(arr.slice(1)) // recurse
The idea is simple enough that you can express it as a one-liner:
const add = (arr) => arr.length == 1 ? arr[0] : arr[0] + add(arr.slice(1))
console.log(add([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ))
Of course, you might want better error checking, but this should get you started.
Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for. 🙏
– Thawindu Angesh Tuto
Jul 1 at 16:49
The recursion is actually a regression problem,
If the array named 'Arr' has only one element - this is the sum,
Now imagine you know the sum formula for an array of N elements,
You can now use recursion to find the sum of the (N+1) elements array since
it is simply the last element plus the sum of the previous N, which you already know/calculated.
An example is attached.
Read more at wikipedia.
let arr = [10,100,1000,10000];
function sum(array){
if(array.length === 1){
return array[0];
return array[array.length-1] + sum(array.slice(0,array.length-1));
Destructuing syntax permits an elegant functional expression
const None =
Symbol ()
const sum = ([ n = None, ]) =>
n === None
? 0
: n + sum (rest)
( sum () // 0
, sum ([ 1 ]) // 1
, sum ([ 1, 2 ]) // 3
, sum ([ 1, 2, 3 ]) // 6
, sum ([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]) // 10
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
function add(arr) {
if(arr.length>1) {
arr[0] += arr.splice(1,1)[0];
return add(arr);
} else
return arr[0];
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What have you tried? What specifically do you need help with?
– Carcigenicate
Jul 1 at 16:10