SQLAlchemy - work with connections to DB and Sessions (not clear behavior and part in documentation)

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SQLAlchemy - work with connections to DB and Sessions (not clear behavior and part in documentation)
I use SQLAlchemy (really good ORM but documentation is not clear enough) for communicating with PostgreSQL
Everything was great till one case when postgres "crashed" cause of maximum connection limits was reached: no more connections allowed (max_client_conn).
That case makes me think that I do smth wrong. After few experiments I figure out how not to face that issue again, but some questions left
Below you'll see code examples (in Python 3+, PostgreSQL settings are default) without and with mentioned issue, and what I'd like to hear eventually is answers on following questions:
making connection to DB:
from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool # does not work without NullPool, why?
def connect(user, password, db, host='localhost', port=5432):
"""Returns a connection and a metadata object"""
url = 'postgresql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format(user, password, host, port, db)
temp_con = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url, client_encoding='utf8', poolclass=NullPool)
temp_meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData(bind=temp_con, reflect=True)
return temp_con, temp_meta
function to get session to work with DB:
from contextlib import contextmanager
def session_scope():
con_loc, meta_loc = connect(db_user, db_pass, db_instance, 'localhost')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=con_loc)
"""Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations."""
session = Session()
yield session
query example:
with session_scope() as session:
entity = session.query(SomeEntity).first()
function to get session to work with DB:
def create_session():
# connect method the same as in first example
con, meta = connect(db_user, db_pass, db_instance, 'localhost')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=con)
session = Session()
return session
query example:
session = create_session()
entity = session.query(SomeEntity).first()
Hope you got the main idea
3 Answers
First of all you should not create engines repeatedly in your connect()
function. The usual practice is to have a single global Engine
instance per database URL in your application. The same goes for the Session
class created by the sessionmaker()
What you've programmed it to do, and if this seems unclear, read about context managers in general. In this case it commits or rolls back the session if an exception was raised within the block governed by the with-statement. Both actions return the connection used by the session to the pool, which in your case is a NullPool
, so the connection is simply closed.
from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool # does not work without NullPool, why?
Without NullPool
the engines you repeatedly create also pool connections, so if they for some reason do not go out of scope, or their refcounts are otherwise not zeroed, they will hold on to the connections even if the sessions return them. It is unclear if the sessions go out of scope timely in the second example, so they might also be holding on to the connections.
The first example ends up closing the connection due to the use of the context manager that handles transactions properly and the NullPool
, so the connection is returned to the bouncer, which is another pool layer.
The second example might never close the connections because it lacks the transaction handling, but that's unclear due to the example given. It also might be holding on to connections in the separate engines that you create.
The 4th point of your question set is pretty much covered by the official documentation in "Session Basics", especially "When do I construct a Session, when do I commit it, and when do I close it?" and "Is the session thread-safe?".
There's one exception: multiple instances of the script. You should not share an engine between processes, so in order to pool connections between them you need an external pool such as the PgBouncer.
The context manager in Python is used to create a runtime context for use with the with statement. Simply, when you run the code:
with session_scope() as session:
entity = session.query(SomeEntity).first()
session is the yeilded session. So, to your question what does the context manager do witht he connections and sessions. All you have to do is look at what happens after the yield to see what happens. In this case it's just look to:
yield session
If you trigger no exceptions, it will be session.commit() which according to the SQLAlchemy docs will "Flush pending changes and commit the current transaction."
The poolclass argument is just telling SQLAlchemy why subclass of Pool
to use. However, in the case where you pass NullPool
here, you are telling SQLAlchemy to not use a pool, you effectively disable pooling connections when you pass in NullPool
. From the docs: "to disable pooling, set poolclass to NullPool instead." I can't say for sure but using NullPool
is probably contributing to your max_connection
I'm not exactly sure. I think this has to do with how in the first example, you are using a context manager so everything within the with
block will use a session
generator. In your second example, you created a function that initializes a new Session
and returns it, so you're not getting back a generator. I also think this has to do with your NullPool
use which prevents connection pooling. With NullPool
each query execution is acquiring a connection on its own.
See the section Is the session thread-safe? for this but you need to take a "share nothing" approach to your concurrency. So in your case, you need each instance of a script to share nothing between each other.
You probably want to check out Working with Engines and Connections, I don't think messing with sessions is where you want to be if concurrency is what you're working on. There's more information about the NullPool and concurrency there:
For a multiple-process application that uses the os.fork system call,
or for example the Python multiprocessing module, it’s usually
required that a separate Engine be used for each child process. This
is because the Engine maintains a reference to a connection pool that
ultimately references DBAPI connections - these tend to not be
portable across process boundaries. An Engine that is configured not
to use pooling (which is achieved via the usage of NullPool) does not
have this requirement.
I'm not exactly sure but I beleive it has something to do with the
block triggering the __enter__
and __exit__
methods of the Session
object. These methods would not be triggered when using Session
outside of the context manager. You might find the exact mechanism here somewhere: bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/src/…. I suspect in your second example if you add a call to .begin()
you might see the same results as when used with with
.– Mike
Jul 1 at 20:26
Relevant question explaining
and __exit__
: stackoverflow.com/questions/1984325/…– Mike
Jul 1 at 20:27
It is the
produced object's __enter__
and __exit__
that get called, not the Session
instances (which doesn't even have them).– Ilja Everilä
Jul 2 at 5:21
@IljaEverilä you're right, that two methods were added by context manager Did I understand right that context manager did not add nothing specific, just ordinary
and __exit__
functions? And nobody does not exactly know why it actually helped to cope with the problem?– dev_prodigy
Jul 2 at 16:01
@Ilja Everilä answer was mostly helpful
I'll leave edited code here, maybe it'll help someone
making connection to DB::
from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool # will work even without NullPool in code
def connect(user, password, db, host='localhost', port=5432):
"""Returns a connection and a metadata object"""
url = 'postgresql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format(user, password, host, port, db)
temp_con = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url, client_encoding='utf8', poolclass=NullPool)
temp_meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData(bind=temp_con, reflect=True)
return temp_con, temp_meta
one instance of connection and sessionmaker per app, for example where your main function:
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
# create one connection and Sessionmaker to each instance of app (to avoid creating it repeatedly)
con, meta = connect(db_user, db_pass, db_instance, db_host)
session_maker = sessionmaker(bind=con) enter code here
function to get session with with
from contextlib import contextmanager
from some_place import session_maker
def session_scope() -> Session:
"""Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations."""
session = session_maker() # create session from SQLAlchemy sessionmaker
yield session
wrap transaction and use session:
with session_scope() as session:
entity = session.query(SomeEntity).first()
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Thanks for response About first question: the purpose of it was to know why exactly this issue was fixed with context manager? If it doesn't run any functions related with connection or session then why it works? Maybe it somehow helps in garbage collecting in the right way?
– dev_prodigy
Jul 1 at 19:28