Run time error '5': while using global variables

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Run time error '5': while using global variables

i declared the global variable in the Module1 and when i was trying to use it in another module it is showing the runtime error '5':invalid procedure call or argument. i was unable to find the problem please provied the solution for this problem
Declaring global variable:

Function getFilePath() As String
getFilePath = FilePath
Set FilePath = "C:quadysterR3AgreementDetails"
End Function

Implementing of globalvariable:

Private Sub SendAgreement_Click()
If (Not IsNull(Me.RequestFrom) And Not IsNull(Me.RequestReference)) Then
Call AttachR3ServiceAgreement(Module1.FilePath, tripObjectFormation, "Agreement")
Me.AgreementDate = Now()

MsgBox "Please provide 'RequestFrom' and 'RequestReference' to proceed." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Press Ok to continue.", vbOKOnly, "Alert!!!"
End If
End Sub

this is the calling function

Public Function AttachR3ServiceAgreement(FilePath As String, tripData As
tripDetails, requestType As String)

Here error is occured:
Set objStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fileHTML, ForReading)

If it's a global why pass it as a parameter to your function? Or is it a different variable you're using as a global - Not very clear problem description
– dbmitch
Jul 1 at 16:48

1 Answer

You have a syntax error there: Set can only be used with objects.


Public FilePath As String
Function getFilePath() As String
FilePath = "C:quadysterR3AgreementDetails"
getFilePath = FilePath
End Function

Private Sub SendAgreement_Click()
If (Not IsNull(Me.RequestFrom) And Not IsNull(Me.RequestReference)) Then
Call AttachR3ServiceAgreement(Module1.FilePath, tripObjectFormation, "Agreement")
Me.AgreementDate = Now()

MsgBox "Please provide 'RequestFrom' and 'RequestReference' to proceed." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Press Ok to continue.", vbOKOnly, "Alert!!!"
End If
End Sub

I modify the code but the problem is stil there
– malavika
Jun 27 at 8:21

i inistalised the value for global variable in the function getFilePath() but while using the global variable it showing as empty string .
– malavika
Jun 27 at 8:30

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