Need to drastically improve performance of for loop in R

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Need to drastically improve performance of for loop in R

I've tried a few things and haven't been able to make any noticeable changes. I've isolated it down to the for loop and hopefully someone can give me some ideas.

Quick Background: Process was in SaS, SaS is going away. We take two data-sets, merge by zip and then compare strings w/ Jaro-Winkler to identify two entities that could be the same across the two sets. E.g. Is Zip the same? Yes, move to next criteria, is X the same? No, but it's close and it continues throwing out what it doesn't want, putting the matches in a new data frame. This part takes no time at all in R.

We can't just do a straight merge since we use all 128gigs of RAM on our EC2 instance.

So, looping row by row and only keeping those that fall into our match criteria however the speed in which it loops is a huge issue. Fairly new to R so I could be missing something absurdly obvious.

structure(list(PPOppID = c("785041315", "829852094", "854136412",
"787141118"), BusinessName = c("HAPPY COMPANY",
), State = structure(c(52L, 52L, 52L, 52L), .Label = c("AK",
"AL", "AR", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DC", "DE", "FL", "GA", "HI",
"IA", "ID", "IL", "IN", "KS", "KY", "LA", "MA", "MD", "ME", "MI",
"MN", "MO", "MS", "MT", "NC", "ND", "NE", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NV",
"NY", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "PR", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX",
"UT", "VA", "VT", "WA", "WI", "WV", "WY"), class = "factor"),
Zip = c("12345", "12345", "12345", "12345"), street_num = c("1435",
"110", "105", "875"), street_pre_direction = c("S", "E",
), suffix = c("RD", "ST", "", ""), streetdirection = c("",
"", "", ""), unit = c("", "STE", "", ""), unit = c("",
"202", "", ""), po_box = c("", "", "", ""), phone = c("1234567891",
"3231234543", "9876543219", "9087653456"), state_code = c("56029",
"56021", "56013", "56043"), name = c("", "", "",
"PERSONA"), FirstName = c("", "", "", "K"), contact_middle = c("",
"", "", ""), LastName = c("", "", "", "LAST_NAME"), contact_title = c("",
"", "", "OWNER"), year_started = c("1996", "2005",
"1993", "1981"), number_of_employees = c("3", "5",
"5", "5"), size_code = c("A", "B", "B", "B"), type = c("C",
"C", "C", "C"), industry_class = c("", "",
"A", "A"), code= c(NA, NA, "139", "119"
), code2 = c(NA, NA, "111100", "111100"), annual_amount = c("289",
"378", "0", "306"), annual_amount2 = c("A", "A",
"A", "A"), acc002 = c("3", "1", "1", "0"), brc014 = c("0",
"0", "0", "0"), t055 = c("1", "0", "1", "0"), t068 = c("2",
"2", "1", "1"), loaddate = c("2018-05-25", "2018-05-25",
"2018-05-25", "2018-05-25"), DBAName = c("HAPPY COMPANY",
), Phone = c(NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_), PhoneAreaCode = c(NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_), StreetNum = c("1435", "110",
"105", "875")), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -4L)

structure(list(rn = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), Id = c("0000000000abcG7MAI",
"000C000000abcg9MAA", "000QC000000abcG9MAI", "000C000000abcGaMAI"
), NumId = c("187639087", "237893456", "923785629", "298777656"
), BusinessName = c("HAPPY COMPANY", "K&W PHARMACY INC",
"", "", ""), Phone = c("123456789", "987654321", "9999999999",
"6086892577"), PhoneAreaCode = c("999", "123", "456", "678"),
FirstName = c("SAM", "KYLE", "TONY", "MIKE"), LastName = c("SAM",
"SMITH", "TRAVIS", "JOHNSON"), StreetNum = c("7585", "170",
"2457", ""), StreetName = c("Avoderm WAY", "Blue Buffalo U", "Farmina BLVD",
"PO BOX 0"), State = c("NJ", "NY", "AK", "PR"), City = c("P",
"X", "X", ""), Zip = c("19425", "08765",
"37355", "54632")), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA,-4L)

for(row in 1:length(df1$Zip)) {

df1 <- inner_join(df1, df2, by = c('Zip'))
df1 <- lapply(df1, as.character)

df1$MatchBizName <- pmax(1-stringdist(df1$BusinessName, df1$BusinessName, method="jw", p=0.1),
1-stringdist(df1$DBAName, df1$DBAName, method="jw", p=0.1),
1-stringdist(df1$BusinessName, df1$DBABusinessName, method="jw", p=0.1),
1-stringdist(df1$DBAName, df1$BusinessName, method="jw", p=0.1))
df1$MatchPhone <- ifelse(1-stringdist(df1$Phone, df1$Phone, method="jw", p=0.1)>=1,1,0)
df1$MatchFirstName <- 1-stringdist(df1$FirstName, df1$FirstName, method="jw", p=0.1)
df1$MatchLastName <- 1-stringdist(df1$LastName, df1$LastName, method="jw", p=0.1)
df1$MatchStreetNum <- 1-stringdist(df1$StreetNum, df1$StreetNum, method="jw", p=0.1)
df1$MatchStreetName <- 1-stringdist(df1$StreetName, df1$StreetName, method="jw", p=0.1)
df1$MatchCity <- 1-stringdist(df1$City, df1$City, method="jw", p=0.1)

df1matches <- subset(df1,(MatchBizName >= 0.9 & MatchCity == 1 & MatchStreetName >= 0.7 & MatchStreetNum >= 0.7) |
(MatchPhone == 1 & MatchFirstName == 1 & MatchLastName == 1 & MatchStreetNum == 1 & MatchStreetName == 1 & MatchCity == 1) |
(MatchBizName >= 0.9 & MatchStreetNum == 1 & MatchStreetName >= 0.9 & MatchCity == 1) |
(MatchStreetNum == 1 & MatchPhone == 1 & MatchStreetName == 1 & MatchCity == 1) |
(MatchLastName >= 0.9 & MatchPhone == 1 & MatchBizName >= 0.9 & MatchCity == 1) |
(MatchPhone == 1 & MatchCity == 1 & MatchStreetNum == 1 & MatchStreetName >= 0.9 & MatchBizName >= 0.6) )



A few observations: 1) For me, the code as provided is somewhat difficult to work with; this is partly due to some copying issue (i.e. missing )), partly because required packages aren't listed, (i.e. library(stringdist) ) ,and partly because the for loop provided returns errors. Is this a strictly a performance issue or are you looking for a functional looping procedure and this is your first swing? 2) There is surly a better way to approach the issue. Providing the desired output (even if it a mocked data frame) would be helpful.
– Peter_Evan
Jul 1 at 16:52


library(stringdist) )

Two tips: 1) ifelse(condition, 1L, 0L) is 100 times slower than as.integer(condition); 2) subset(df, condition) is around 12 percent slower than df[condition, ] (logical index).
– Rui Barradas
Jul 1 at 17:09

ifelse(condition, 1L, 0L)


subset(df, condition)

df[condition, ]

I would start by reading the great answers to this question
– p0bs
Jul 1 at 17:41

@Kyle: Please update your post with your new code so others can continue to help while new users could learn from your experience. Thanks!
– Tung
Jul 1 at 23:47

@Tung I'll update when something actually sticks. At this point it's two steps forward and two steps back. I'm basically forced into using for loops to prevent RAM bottlenecks but nothing I've seen so far will actually solve the for loop issue. Most of the examples in the above links are geared around computations of numeric data which isn't a huge help unfortunately.
– Kyle
Jul 2 at 17:12

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