OfType(x) vs Where(_ => _ is x) vs Where with enum

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Multi tool use

OfType(x) vs Where(_ => _ is x) vs Where with enum

I'm a bit confused with the result here, maybe someone could give me some insights?

Basically, I am trying to test the performance between using


Where(_ = _ is x).Select((X)x)

Where(_ = _.Type = type).Select((X)x)

Here are the classes:

public enum AnimalTypes { Alligator, Bear, Cat, Dog, Elephant }

public interface IAnimal
AnimalTypes Type { get; }

public class Bear : IAnimal
public AnimalTypes Type => AnimalTypes.Bear;

public class Cat : IAnimal
public AnimalTypes Type => AnimalTypes.Cat;

edit: this code was fixed based on the comments! sorry for the error
and here is the testing method

void Main()
List<IAnimal> animals = new List<IAnimal>();

for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
animals.Add(new Bear());
animals.Add(new Cat());

// tests
IEnumerable<Cat> test1 = animals.OfType<Cat>();
IEnumerable<Cat> test2 = animals.Where(_ => _ is Cat).Select(_ => (Cat)_);
IEnumerable<Cat> test3 = animals.Where(_ => _.Type == AnimalTypes.Cat).Select(_ => (Cat)_);

Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

// OfType
Console.WriteLine($"OfType = {sw.ElapsedTicks} ticks");

// Where (is) + Select
Console.WriteLine($"Where (is) + Select = {sw.ElapsedTicks} ticks");

// Where (enum) + Select
Console.WriteLine($"Where (type) + Select = {sw.ElapsedTicks} ticks");

Oddly, the results always ensure that the last test gets the best results...

Emh... you are only creating the queries, not actually executing them. Add a .ToArray() to the end of each query
– Camilo Terevinto
Jul 1 at 11:58


And note that type == type is exact type comparison, while is/OfType support subclasses (for example a Siamese is a Cat, OfType<Cat>() and is Cat will both return Siamese cats)
– xanatos
Jul 1 at 12:04

type == type



This code is actually measuring jitting overhead, first one is always expensive. Always repeat a test at least 10 times, you'll see this overhead disappear. And get a feel for the numbers, 2 ticks is far too fast. Otherwise easy to see by doubling the collection size. Google "linq deferred execution" to learn more. Once you fix it, beware the noisy results from very fast code like this, you ought to see that the Type comparison is fastest. It should be, no need to check the type hierarchy like is and OfType needs to do.
– Hans Passant
Jul 1 at 12:09

Thanks everyone, I updated my code, but still getting unusual results.
– Svek
Jul 1 at 12:26

1 Answer

Your testing code has three big problems:

Look at something like this instead:

var animals = new List<IAnimal>();

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
animals.Add(new Bear());
animals.Add(new Cat());

// remove overhead of the first query
int catsCount = animals.Where(x => x == x).Count();

var whereIsTicks = new List<long>();
var whereTypeTicks = new List<long>();
var ofTypeTicks = new List<long>();

var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

// a performance test with a single pass doesn't make a lot of sense
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

// Where (is) + Select
catsCount = animals.Where(_ => _ is Cat).Select(_ => (Cat)_).Count();

// Where (enum) + Select
catsCount = animals.Where(_ => _.Type == AnimalTypes.Cat).Select(_ => (Cat)_).Count();

// OfType
catsCount = animals.OfType<Cat>().Count();


// get the average run time for each test in an easy-to-print format
var results = new List<Tuple<string, double>>
Tuple.Create("Where (is) + Select", whereIsTicks.Average()),
Tuple.Create("Where (type) + Select", whereTypeTicks.Average()),
Tuple.Create("OfType", ofTypeTicks.Average()),

// print results orderer by time taken
foreach (var result in results.OrderBy(x => x.Item2))
Console.WriteLine($"{result.Item1} => {result.Item2}");

Running this multiple times, Where (is) can be a little faster or slower than Where (type), however, OfType is always the slowest by a good margin:

Where (is)

Where (type)


i < 10:

i < 10

Where (type) + Select => 111428.9
Where (is) + Select => 132695.8
OfType => 158220.7

i < 100:

i < 100

Where (is) + Select => 110541.8
Where (type) + Select => 119822.74
OfType => 150087.22

i < 1000:

i < 1000

Where (type) + Select => 113196.381
Where (is) + Select => 115656.695
OfType => 160461.465

The reason why OfType will always be slower is pretty obvious when you look at the source code for the OfType method:



static IEnumerable<TResult> OfTypeIterator<TResult>(IEnumerable source)
foreach (object obj in source)
if (obj is TResult)
yield return (TResult)obj;

As you can see, the source items are type checked with is and then casted back to TResult. The difference would be bigger for value types due to the boxing.



Thank you. So the "winner" is Where (is). That was unexpected.
– Svek
Jul 1 at 12:49

@Svek Not always, as I mentioned, sometimes Where (type) was faster. Do notice that there's a huge difference though in the results as the Enum wouldn't allow you to check for children while is would, as it was mentioned in a comment to the question
– Camilo Terevinto
Jul 1 at 12:51



@Svek You are welcome. See my update for an explanation
– Camilo Terevinto
Jul 1 at 12:58

@CamiloTerevinto When you make tests, you don't want the GC to run... So you should try to minimize memory allocations if you can. Instead of .ToArray(); (that will create two collections, one internally plus the array), use .Count(), that won't allocate anything.
– xanatos
Jul 1 at 15:25



"As you can see, the source items are boxed" - no, there's no boxing here at all. The elements are references already. Boxing would only be involved if there were value types involved.
– Daisy Shipton
Jul 1 at 15:37

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