angular 5 production release css files reference issue

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

angular 5 production release css files reference issue

Similar issues are there but I couldn't find any working solution for this.
I cant build my app with production(ng build --prod --base-href /demo/). instead of that I user only ng build(ng build --base-href /demo/) and deployed to my local IIS.

Rewrite URL part is also added to web.config.
My published URL is "http://localhost/demo/" and still the css reference URL is set to "http://localhost/assets/css/loader-la-ball-clip.css" I added the css references to angular-cli.json too.
does anybody know a solution for this ? does this happen due to development build ?

"styles": [

don't post images of code and/or stack traces. just use text
– aydow
Jul 2 at 1:17

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