when accessing an object field using get method,value always undefined

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

when accessing an object field using get method,value always undefined

i wrote a TypeScript model and i wrote a get method :

get comments(): [any] {
return this.commentsTest;
set comments(comments: [any]) {
this.commentsTest = comments;

the field it self is defined as private :

private commentsTest: [any];

in the constructor i initialized the object as follow :

this.comments = commentsTest;

when i am trying to use that field using the get method it is always undefined,
but if i am accessing it directly(while getting access warning)
i do get the values i am looking for :

openExtendedDetailsModal(comments) {
console.log("***" + this.investorObject.comments); // undefined
console.log(this.investorObject.commentsTest); // defined

here is the code i am using :

investorObject: Investor;
prametersSubscription: Subscription;
id: string;

constructor(private investorService: InvestorsService, private route: ActivatedRoute) {}

ngOnInit() {
this.prametersSubscription = this.route.params.subscribe(
(params: Params) => {
this.id = params.id;

ngOnDestroy() {

getInvestorData() {
data => {
this.investorObject = data.data;

openExtendedDetailsModal(comments) {
console.log("***" + this.investorObject.lastName); // defined
console.log("***" + this.investorObject.comments); // undefined
console.log(this.investorObject.commentsTest); // defined

here is part of the Investor class :
enter image description here
what am i missing here ?


How is this.investorObject declared?
– tymeJV
Jul 1 at 13:08


Where is this.commentsTest initialized to a value?
– Pointy
Jul 1 at 13:09


yes.all other fields are populated and the data is available. for example i am also using : this.investorObject.lastName which is also has set/get and i do no have that problem. it is getting the data from http call the entire object is populated except this field @Pointy
– Uriel Parienti
Jul 1 at 13:11

Well because you have not posted that code, it's very difficult to help.
– Pointy
Jul 1 at 13:12

added the code. the comments i am sending to "openExtendedDetailsModal" is just something i tried ti test,it should not get value and instead just using "this.investorObject.comments"
– Uriel Parienti
Jul 1 at 13:17

1 Answer

i manged to solve this issue,

i have changed the model as followed :

1)changed the constructor

constructor() {}

2)changed the name and the type of the commentsTest field:

private commentsTest: [Object];

3)Initiated as followed :

this.investorObject = new Investor();
Object.assign(this.investorObject, data.data as Investor);

so now ,i am getting the comments as i wanted to,also the type of the object is Investor.

enter image description here

Thanks all

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