R Extract values from data frame with vectors

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R Extract values from data frame with vectors
I hope my question is not a duplicate, but I really couldn't find what I need. I dived in dplyr and even did the data.table course from DataCamp, but I can't fix it. Maybe overlooking something?
I have this df:
df<-data.frame(id = c( "XEY", "NZH", "DYE", "JNF", "LHH", "WNB"),
q_1 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE),
q_2 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE),
q_3 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE),
q_4 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE),
q_5 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE))
So my df looks like this:
Next I have two vectors with id's (row-indicators) and q's (question numbers) like these:
id <- c("XEY", "DYE", "JNF", "DYE", "XEY", "LHH", "WNB", "JNF" )
question <- c("val_1", "val_1","val_3","val_3","val_3", "val_4", "val_4", "val_5")
I want to extract the values from the df using the two vectors to get an output like this:
I have tried a lot of things to extract the values, but I keep getting errors. I have tried things like:
df[id == (id[1]), (question[1])]
df[id == id[1], question[1]]
The strange thing is that the data.table package seems to accept the 'row-notation'. Because:
df[id == (id[1]),]
gives back the valuea for row "XEY":
id q_1 q_2 q_3 q_4 q_5
1: XEY 5 1 5 4 1
But how to do the trick for the right column notation using my vector?
Sorry for this very basic question, appreciate your help.
Something like this? The way of commenting differs very much from the way I can share info in the question:
id <- c("XEY", "DYE", "JNF", "DYE", "XEY", "LHH", "WNB", "JNF" )
question <- c("val_1", "val_1","val_3","val_3","val_3", "val_4", "val_4", "val_5")
value <- c(5, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, 3)
output <- as.data.frame(cbind(id, question, value))
– Marlein
Jul 2 at 10:56
id <- c("XEY", "DYE", "JNF", "DYE", "XEY", "LHH", "WNB", "JNF" )
question <- c("val_1", "val_1","val_3","val_3","val_3", "val_4", "val_4", "val_5")
value <- c(5, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, 3)
output <- as.data.frame(cbind(id, question, value))
2 Answers
You can do that with tidyr.
I add stringsAsFactors=FALSE to your df to avoid a warning during the join.
df<-data.frame(id = c( "XEY", "NZH", "DYE", "JNF", "LHH", "WNB"),
q_1 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE),
q_2 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE),
q_3 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE),
q_4 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE),
q_5 = sample(5,6, replace = TRUE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
id <- c("XEY", "DYE", "JNF", "DYE", "XEY", "LHH", "WNB", "JNF" )
question <- c("q_1", "q_1","q_3","q_3","q_3", "q_4", "q_4", "q_5")
df2 <- data.frame(id,question,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df %>% gather(k,Value,-id) %>% inner_join(df2,by="id") %>% filter(question==k) %>% arrange(question) %>%
Wauw! THANKS! i am going to study on your answer to grasp what you are doing, but it worked!!!
– Marlein
Jul 2 at 10:54
In base R you can do the following.
Value <- diag(as.matrix(df[match(id, df$id), sub("val", "q", question)]))
result <- data.frame(id, Question = sub("val", "q", question), Value)
# id Question Value
#1 XEY q_1 5
#2 DYE q_1 1
#3 JNF q_3 2
#4 DYE q_3 1
#5 XEY q_3 5
#6 LHH q_4 2
#7 WNB q_4 2
#8 JNF q_5 3
After seeing the answer by @Nicolas2, with the use of inner_join
, I have decided to give merge
a try. But to do it I will need function melt
from external package reshape2
df2 <- data.frame(id, question = sub("val", "q", question))
df3 <- reshape2::melt(df, id.vars = "id")
names(df3)[2] <- "question"
result2 <- merge(df2, df3)
# id question value
#1 DYE q_1 1
#2 DYE q_3 1
#3 JNF q_3 2
#4 JNF q_5 3
#5 LHH q_4 2
#6 WNB q_4 2
#7 XEY q_1 5
#8 XEY q_3 5
The result is the same, with a different row order.
Hi Rui. You too thanks a lot. I am going to study your solutions, am learning a lot today!
– Marlein
Jul 2 at 15:13
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can you also manually construct a data.frame which indicates your desired output?
– tyumru
Jul 2 at 10:41