C# webclient cannot download text from web

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C# webclient cannot download text from web
I am working on a project to get text from this website.
But when I tested it in Visual Studio, I've got some error:
Value cannot be null. Parameter name: solutionDirectory
Here is my code:
using System;
using System.Net;
public class Program
public static void Main()
WebClient client = new WebClient();
String temp = client.DownloadString("http://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/stat/dmstat/dayrpt/hsio180629.htm");
Works for me...
– TheGeneral
Jul 2 at 10:22
1 Answer
Please use HttpClient Which is very good Option Compare to webClient
And your problem is sounds like your project (vcxproj) file isn't setup properly.
So create New Application Simply and run this Code.
Here you find Actually Difference
Stream client = Task.Run(()=>new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/stat/dmstat/dayrpt/hsio180629.htm").Result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()).Result;
using (var fileStream = new FileStream("D://data.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
Full Working Code:-
namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program
static void Main(string args)
Stream client = Task.Run(()=>new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/stat/dmstat/dayrpt/hsio180629.htm").Result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()).Result;
using (var fileStream = new FileStream("D://data.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
With Await
namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program
static void Main(string args)
public static async void data()
var client = await new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/stat/dmstat/dayrpt/hsio180629.htm");
var data= await client.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
using (var fileStream = new FileStream("D://data.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
IIRC Task.Run is not required, since the GetAsync method is already running async when possible. And please use await, and not result. Result is blocking, await isn't.
– Mafii
Jul 2 at 11:03
whatever the methods and code are in task.run is not a blocking @Mafii
– D-john Anshani
Jul 2 at 11:07
But the call to
is, that's what I said.– Mafii
Jul 2 at 11:33
on any task that isn't complete is an anti-pattern that will eventually mess you up. Don't wait by blocking on tasks. Also, in your async example, the top-level Main
method can now be declared as async : static async Task Main(string args){}
, thereby negating the need for fire-and-forget.– spender
Jul 2 at 21:38
static async Task Main(string args){}
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This is not a problem with the code you presented, which other than a missing
works fine.– spender
Jul 2 at 10:22