Shell script: while variable concatenation

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Shell script: while variable concatenation

This is my straightforward function:

cat <<-EOF
{"stringData": {}}

This is my other function:

template=$(generate_post_data $secret_id)
echo "$template"
echo "$KVS_VARIABLES" | while read -r key value
template=$(echo "$template" | jq ".stringData += { "$key" : "$value" }")
echo $template

The output is:

#Before while -> {"stringData": {}}
#1 iteration -> { "stringData": { "VAR1": "VAL1" } }
#2 iteration -> { "stringData": { "VAR1": "VAL1", "VAR2": "VAL2" } }
#3 iteration -> { "stringData": { "VAR1": "VAL1", "VAR2": "VAL2", "VAR3": "VAL3" } }
#After while -> {"stringData": {}}

Why template variable is not filled?


Possible duplicate of Left side of pipe is the subshell?
– Anthony Geoghegan
Jul 2 at 10:43

Possible duplicate of A variable modified inside a while loop is not remembered
– Biffen
Jul 2 at 10:47

1 Answer

It is not filled because the | while is executed in subshell. From the manual page of Bash (for example):

| while

Each command in a pipeline is executed as a separate process (i.e., in a subshell).

If the shell is Bash, the easy fix is to replace the echo "$KVS_VARIABLES" | with a here-string:


while read -r key value; do
template=$(echo "$template" | jq ".stringData += { "$key" : "$value" }")
echo $template
done <<< "$KVS_VARIABLES"

If your shell does not accept here-strings, you can always wrap the while in a compound command { while ... done; echo "$template"; } and use an extra command substitution:


{ while ... done; echo "$template"; }

while read -r key value; do
echo "$template" |
jq ".stringData += { "$key" : "$value" }"
echo "$template"

I'm using !/usr/bin/env sh. I'm getting this error message: Syntax error: redirection unexpected
– Jordi
Jul 2 at 10:53

!/usr/bin/env sh

Syntax error: redirection unexpected

Showed a fix which should work for /bin/sh.
– AlexP
Jul 2 at 11:14


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