Backup MySQL tables in Laravel without third-party libraries

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Backup MySQL tables in Laravel without third-party libraries

I new to Laravel. I've been trying to create a controller that backups tables in the form of backup_date_.sql format without using any third-party library at all, but I'm getting frustrated. I've searched and I found some code examples. I've tried to use them within my BackupsController, but things are getting more and more difficult. Any help is really appreciated. This is my code, Thanks in advance.


public function query($data, $mode = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
$pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo();
$stmt = $pdo->query($data);
$results = $stmt->fetchAll($mode);
// $results = $stmt->fetch($mode);
return $results;

public function backup(Request $request)

if ($request->all()) {

$output = '';

foreach (request('table') as $table) {

$show_table_query = $this->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . stripslashes($table) . "");

foreach ($show_table_query as $show_table_row)

$output .= implode(", ", $show_table_row);


$single_result = DB::select('select * from ' . stripslashes($table));

foreach ($single_result as $key => $value)
$value = array_map(function($obj) {
return (array) $obj;
}, $single_result);

$keys = array_keys($value[$key]);
$val = array_values($value[$key]);
$get_keys = array_shift($keys);
$get_values = array_shift($val);

$table_column = implode(",", $keys);
// $table_value ="'" . implode("','", $val) . "'n";
$table_value ="'" . implode("','", $val) . "'";

$output .= DB::insert(
"INSERT INTO " . stripslashes($table) . "("
. $table_column . ") VALUES(" . $table_value . ")"


The tables are loaded correctly from the database, and displayed in the view. Currently, I have four tables: migrations, password_resets, users and posts. So, need to store the variable $output in a file, so when I click backup button, the file is automatically stored locally. How can I do that, please?
– Capfer
Jul 2 at 10:22

2 Answers

This is a function I found and later modified to export my databases including all the data and stored procedures and functions if any exists in the database. The code was written for a codeigniter application but you can easily convert it to laravel.

Codeigniter version:

function export_database($bkpFileName = null){

$ci =& get_instance();
$targetTables = ;
$newLine = "rn";

$queryTables = $ci->db->query('SHOW TABLES');

foreach($queryTables->result() as $table){
$targetTables = $table->Tables_in_my_db;

foreach($targetTables as $table){
$tableData = $ci->db->query('SELECT * FROM '.$table);
$res = $ci->db->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$table);

$cnt = 0;
$content = (!isset($content) ? '' : $content) . $res->row_array()["Create Table"].";" . $newLine . $newLine;
foreach($tableData->result_array() as $row){
$subContent = "";
$firstQueryPart = "";
if($cnt == 0 || $cnt % 100 == 0){
$firstQueryPart .= "INSERT INTO {$table} VALUES ";
if($tableData->num_rows() > 1)
$firstQueryPart .= $newLine;

$valuesQuery = "(";
foreach($row as $key => $value){
$valuesQuery .= $ci->db->escape($value) . ", ";

$subContent = $firstQueryPart . rtrim($valuesQuery, ", ") . ")";

if( (($cnt+1) % 100 == 0 && $cnt != 0) || $cnt+1 == $tableData->num_rows())
$subContent .= ";" . $newLine;
$subContent .= ",";

$content .= $subContent;
$content .= $newLine;

$content = trim($content);

//check for stored procedures
$storedProcedures = $ci->db->query("SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE Db = '{$ci->db->database}'");
if($storedProcedures->num_rows() > 0){
foreach($storedProcedures->result() as $procedure){
$data = $ci->db->query("SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE {$procedure->Name}");
if($data->num_rows() > 0){
$dropProcedureSQL = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS {$procedure->Name};";
$sqlQuery = $data->row_array()["Create Procedure"];
$sqlQuery = preg_replace("/CREATE DEFINER=.+? PROCEDURE/", "CREATE PROCEDURE IF NOT EXISTS", $sqlQuery);
$sqlQuery = "rn" . $sqlQuery . "//";
$content .= $newLine . $newLine . $dropProcedureSQL . $sqlQuery ;

//check for functions
$functions = $ci->db->query("SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE Db = '{$ci->db->database}';");
if($functions->num_rows() > 0){
foreach($functions->result() as $function){
$data = $ci->db->query("SHOW CREATE FUNCTION {$function->Name}");
if($data->num_rows() > 0){
$dropFunctionSQL = "DROP function IF EXISTS {$function->Name};";
$sqlQuery = $data->row_array()["Create Function"];
$sqlQuery = preg_replace("/CREATE DEFINER=.+? FUNCTION/", "CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS", $sqlQuery);
$sqlQuery = "rn" . $sqlQuery . "//";
$content .= $newLine . $newLine . $dropFunctionSQL . $sqlQuery ;

$dbBackupFile = FCPATH . BKP_FILE_DIR;
$dbBackupFile .= "{$ci->db->database}.sql";
$dbBackupFile .= "{$bkpFileName}.sql";

$handle = fopen($dbBackupFile, "w+");
fwrite($handle, $content);

return $dbBackupFile;

Laravel version:

function export_database($bkpFileName = null){

$ci =& get_instance();
$targetTables = ;
$newLine = "rn";

$queryTables = DB::select(DB::raw('SHOW TABLES');

foreach($queryTables->result() as $table){
$targetTables = $table->Tables_in_my_database;

foreach($targetTables as $table){
$tableData = DB::select(DB::raw('SELECT * FROM '.$table);
$res = DB::select(DB::raw('SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$table);

$cnt = 0;
$content = (!isset($content) ? '' : $content) . $res->row_array()["Create Table"].";" . $newLine . $newLine;
foreach($tableData as $row){
$subContent = "";
$firstQueryPart = "";
if($cnt == 0 || $cnt % 100 == 0){
$firstQueryPart .= "INSERT INTO {$table} VALUES ";
if($tableData->count() > 1)
$firstQueryPart .= $newLine;

$valuesQuery = "(";
foreach($row as $key => $value){
$valuesQuery .= $ci->db->escape($value) . ", ";

$subContent = $firstQueryPart . rtrim($valuesQuery, ", ") . ")";

if( (($cnt+1) % 100 == 0 && $cnt != 0) || $cnt+1 == $tableData->count())
$subContent .= ";" . $newLine;
$subContent .= ",";

$content .= $subContent;
$content .= $newLine;

$content = trim($content);

//check for stored procedures
$storedProcedures = DB::select(DB::raw("SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE Db = '{$ci->db->database}'");
if($storedProcedures->count() > 0){
foreach($storedProcedures->result() as $procedure){
$data = DB::select(DB::raw("SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE {$procedure->Name}");
if($data->count() > 0){
$dropProcedureSQL = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS {$procedure->Name};";
$sqlQuery = $data->row_array()["Create Procedure"];
$sqlQuery = preg_replace("/CREATE DEFINER=.+? PROCEDURE/", "CREATE PROCEDURE IF NOT EXISTS", $sqlQuery);
$sqlQuery = "rn" . $sqlQuery . "//";
$content .= $newLine . $newLine . $dropProcedureSQL . $sqlQuery ;

//check for functions
$functions = DB::select(DB::raw("SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE Db = '{$ci->db->database}';");
if($functions->count() > 0){
foreach($functions->result() as $function){
$data = DB::select(DB::raw("SHOW CREATE FUNCTION {$function->Name}");
if($data->count() > 0){
$dropFunctionSQL = "DROP function IF EXISTS {$function->Name};";
$sqlQuery = $data->row_array()["Create Function"];
$sqlQuery = preg_replace("/CREATE DEFINER=.+? FUNCTION/", "CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS", $sqlQuery);
$sqlQuery = "rn" . $sqlQuery . "//";
$content .= $newLine . $newLine . $dropFunctionSQL . $sqlQuery ;

/*$dbBackupFile = FCPATH . BKP_FILE_DIR;
$dbBackupFile .= "{$ci->db->database}.sql";
$dbBackupFile .= "{$bkpFileName}.sql";

$handle = fopen($dbBackupFile, "w+");
fwrite($handle, $content);

return $content;

I have tried my best to convert the above code from codeigniter to laravel. But since I don't have running instance of laravel to test it out I'm not sure it will work

Igor, thanks for your answer, but I do not know codeigniter at all. I am novist in PHP. I am trying to covert the code I found to laravel. In pure php everything is working fine, but with laravel I've got some errors(Короче, не получается уже 3 дня). So, How would I convert this to laravel?
– Capfer
Jul 2 at 10:37

The only thing in my code specific to codeigniter is the call to the databse everything else is regular php code. As for your error can you translate it to eng, my russian isn't that good
– Igor Ilic
Jul 2 at 10:40

Igor, I meant, I can't get my code working properly for three days already. Your code is much more difficult to convert than mine.
– Capfer
Jul 2 at 10:47

I have tried my best to convert the code from codeigniter to laravel, I'm not 100% sure if it will work or not since I don't have a laravel instance running on my current machine and I'm not that good with laravel
– Igor Ilic
Jul 2 at 11:02

Igor, thanks again. I gonna try it.
– Capfer
Jul 2 at 11:05

Write a


with SSH mysqldump -uUSERNAME -p DATABASE > backup.sql and

mysqldump -uUSERNAME -p DATABASE > backup.sql

schedule and

DONE :))

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