Pixelbook CromeOS Secured Shell App sftp mount fails

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Pixelbook CromeOS Secured Shell App sftp mount fails
My new Pixelbook i7 arrived and I was trying to install Android Studio. I followed the steps on this page: https://developer.android.com/topic/arc/studio
I got to step 6 under "Mount Linux file". On step 5 I replaced the hostname with the IP address, clicked SFTP Mount and got the following. (I replaced part of the IP address with **).
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Connecting to cfan@100.***.**.198...
Loading NaCl plugin... done.
ssh: connect to host 100.***.**.198 port 22: Connection refused
failed! :(
When I click connect instead of SFTP mount, I got the following.
Connecting to cfan@100.***.**.198...
Loading NaCl plugin... done.
ssh: connect to host 100.***.**.198 port 22: Connection refused
NaCl plugin exited with status code 255.
(R)econnect, (C)hoose another connection, or E(x)it?
failed! :(
Looking for solution, I found that port might be the problem but I could not get it to work.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
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