Django: mulitselect options not prepopulating in html

Multi tool use
Django: mulitselect options not prepopulating in html
I'm using django-multiselect
. On the html, all of the items are showing, but the ones that are already checked are not showing that they are checked. I was looking at the documentation, but it's coming prechecked. In particular this line of code isn't working: {% if value in myroles %}checked="checked"{% endif %}
Can someone see what I did wrong?
{% if value in myroles %}checked="checked"{% endif %}
{% for value, text in form.role.field.choices %}
<div class="ui slider checkbox">
{{ value }}{{ text }}
<input id="id_role_{{ forloop.counter0 }}" name="{{ }}" type="checkbox" value="{{ value }}" {% if value in myroles %}checked="checked"{% endif %}>
<label>{{ text }}</label>
{% endfor %}
aaa= 1
bbb= 2
ccc= 3
ddd= 4
eee= 5
(aaa, 'AAA'),
(bbb, 'BBB'),
(ccc, 'CCC'),
(ddd, 'DDD'),
(eee, 'EEE'),
class myClass(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, primary_key=True)
role = MultiSelectField(choices=ROLE_CHOICES, default=True)
When I run this code on the html page:
{% for i in myroles %}
{{ i }}{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
I get an output of 11
This makes me confused why my above if statement doesn't work.
<input id="id_roles_0" name="roles" type="checkbox" value="1">
– Micah Pearce
Jul 2 at 4:02
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what does it show when you inspect element it ? does it display
in input tag– Bijoy
Jul 2 at 3:43