How to wrap bulk upsert in Mongo with Task in C#

Multi tool use
How to wrap bulk upsert in Mongo with Task in C#
I have some model
public partial class Option
public int Id { get; set; }
public Quote Quote { get; set; }
public Contract Contract { get; set; }
Method that does bulk write
public Task SaveOptions(List<Option> contracts)
var context = new MongoContext();
var processes = new List<Task<UpdateResult>>();
var collection = context.Storage.GetCollection<Option>("options");
contracts.ForEach(contract =>
var item = Builders<Option>.Update.Set(o => o, contract);
var options = new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true };
processes.Add(collection.UpdateOneAsync(o => o.Id == contract.Id, item, options));
return Task.WhenAll(processes);
Call for the method above
Task.WhenAll(service.SaveOptions(contracts)) // also tried without Task.WhenAll
For some reason, it doesn't create any record in Mongo DB
Tried to rewrite bulk write this way, still no changes.
public Task SaveOptions(List<Option> contracts)
var context = new MongoContext();
var records = new List<UpdateOneModel<Option>>();
var collection = context.Storage.GetCollection<Option>("options");
contracts.ForEach(contract =>
var record = new UpdateOneModel<Option>(
Builders<Option>.Filter.Where(o => o.Id == contract.Id),
Builders<Option>.Update.Set(o => o, contract))
IsUpsert = true
return collection.BulkWriteAsync(records);
@john it works, add this as an answer and I will accept it
– Anonymous
Jul 2 at 4:50
even though, I thought that update and replace do the same thing, but update is more flexible because it allows to change structure of the record on update
– Anonymous
Jul 2 at 4:50
1 Answer
I think you want to use ReplaceOneAsync
processes.Add(collection.ReplaceOneAsync(o => o.Id == contract.Id, contract, options));
The problem with using UpdateOneAsync
here is that you're supposed to specify a field to update, and o => o
doesn't do that. Since you want to replace the entire object, you need to use ReplaceOneAsync
o => o
** Note that you can also do this with BulkWriteAsync
by creating a ReplaceOneModel
instead of an UpdateOneModel
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Hint: You don't want
, you wantReplaceOne
:)– john
Jul 2 at 4:22