Optimal way to find next prime number (Java)

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Optimal way to find next prime number (Java)
I was asked to write a program to find next prime number in an optimal way. I wrote this code, but I could not find an optimal answer to it. Any suggestions?
public static int nextPrime(int input) {
//now find if the number is prime or not
for(int i=2;i<input;i++) {
if(input % i ==0 ) {
return input;
Can I cheat? I think there are only 15M 32-bit primes...could just put them in a sorted list...
– lockcmpxchg8b
Nov 21 '17 at 7:27
I think it's O(n^2)
– lockcmpxchg8b
Nov 21 '17 at 7:31
Miller-Rabin is O(k log3n), so stepping it up for each candidate could be at most O(kn log^3n), (for constant k, with 1/2^k chance of being wrong)
– lockcmpxchg8b
Nov 21 '17 at 7:36
I'm going to change my mind about O(n^2)...its O(n*k), where k is the average distance between prime numbers in the region near
. I think there are approximations for this.– lockcmpxchg8b
Nov 21 '17 at 7:41
7 Answers
public int nextPrime(int input){
int counter;
counter = 0;
for(int i = 2; i <= sqrt(input); i ++){
if(input % i == 0) counter++;
if(counter == 0)
return input;
There is no need to check up on input number. It is enough to check up to the square root of a number. Sorry, I didn't remember the theorem name. Here we are incrementing the input for next prime.
The time complexity of this solution O(n^(3/2)).
A very inefficient example. Move sqrt(input) outside the loop so you only calculate it once. Break out of the inner loop when you find a divisor.
– nicomp
Mar 2 at 14:12
Good observation @nicomp, Can you please make change for me?
– kvk30
Mar 2 at 14:14
Nope. Make the changes yourself.
– nicomp
Mar 2 at 14:16
@nicomp downvoted?
– kvk30
Mar 2 at 14:17
Absolutely.You copy/pasted from another SO answer from last year. Not cool.
– nicomp
Mar 2 at 14:22
@Ephraim - I've replaced the recursive code with "while" loop. It's running more faster.
int nextPrime(int M) {
// no need ++M; as I already added in the isPrime method's parameter.
return M;
boolean isPrime(int M) {
for(int i = 2; i <= M; i++)
if(M % i == 0)
return false;
return true;
@Scott Parent- I've tested the the recursive code; "while" loop and steam code (IntStream and LongStream) - the Stream's code is running slowly, very slowly.
Input value: 60000000000
Output: 60000000029
Elapsed time for recursive algorithm = 7 milliseconds
Output: 60000000029
Elapsed time for traversal algorithm = 4 milliseconds
Output: 60000000029
Elapsed time for LongStream.range(2, number).noneMatch(...) algorithm = 615825 milliseconds
If I use IntStream - the elapsed time is about 230 milliseconds for the max Integer number. It's too much slowly.
The "while" loop in nextPrime(int n) is running 1-4 milliseconds for the max integer number, but usage of LongStream for 600000000000 input value - the result I couldnt see in 1 hour.
I'm running now for the 600000000000 long number:
Elapsed time for recursive algorithm = 36 milliseconds
Output: 60000000029
Elapsed time for traversal algorithm = 27 milliseconds
Output: 60000000029
Elapsed time for LongStream.range(2, number).noneMatch(...)
it's still running more than 58 minutes, but it's not finished yet.
public int nextPrime(int input){
int counter;
counter = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= input; i ++){
if(input % i == 0) counter++;
if(counter == 2)
return input;
This will return the nextPrime but cannot say is most optimal way
heh. did you delete this and re-post it because it got down-voted?
– lockcmpxchg8b
Nov 21 '17 at 7:43
@lockcmpxchg8b Well the previous one is the wrong answer, just checking number is prime or not
– Digvijaysinh Gohil
Nov 21 '17 at 7:49
A copy/paste from another answer or from a third-party. Not cool. And very inefficient, BTW. See my previous comments on the same code.
– nicomp
Mar 2 at 14:15
@nicomp check time of the answer and compare if you thik i
– Digvijaysinh Gohil
Mar 6 at 16:37
Ok i get it but no i didn't copy paste, i came up with the code on my second year study of computer science
– Digvijaysinh Gohil
Mar 6 at 16:41
Generate all prime numbers up to your limit using sieve of eratosthenes. And then input your number n and search if n> prime[i] , prime[i] is the answer.
You can also do the same using recursions like this:
int nextPrime(int M) {
if(!isPrime(M)) M = nextPrime(++M);
return M;
boolean isPrime(int M) {
for(int i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(M); i++)
if(M % i == 0) return false;
return true;
My son has written his own algorithm - in one method.
But it's written on python - you can find it here.
On Java it looks like:
static long nextPrime(long number) {
boolean prime = false;
long n = number;
while (!prime && n < number * 2) {
prime = true;
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
if (n % i == 0) {
prime = false;
return n;
Here I add a solution algorithm. First of all, the while loop grabs the next number to be tested within the range of number + 1
to number * 2
. Then the number is sent to the isPrime
method (which uses Java 8 streams
) that iterates the stream
to look for numbers that have no other factors.
number + 1
number * 2
private static int nextPrime(final int number) {
int i = number + 1;
while (!isPrime(i) && i < number * 2)
return i;
private static boolean isPrime(final int number) {
return number > 1 && IntStream.range(2, number).noneMatch(index -> number % index == 0);
Please read How do I write a good answer. Explain your answer and add comments to help the OP and other users.
– Dwhitz
Mar 2 at 13:56
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I'm confused about the intent of the word 'optimal' in the problem statement. Is that literally what was specified, or is this a paraphrase of 'efficient'?
– lockcmpxchg8b
Nov 21 '17 at 7:23