Compile windows via c++ code error

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Compile windows via c++ code error

When I compiled windows via c++ code of book(5th), meet this error

Error C2373 '__pfnDliNotifyHook2': redefinition; different type modifiers 20-DelayLoadApp c:usersdtdownloadswindows-via-c-code-january-29-200820-delayloadappdelayloadapp.cpp

enter image description here

and debug option setting:

enter image description here

I can't understand why. Something error I set?

It's not something you did wrong. The latter versions of the SDK declare the notify hook globals as const. There is a macro you can define to remove the const from the PfnDllHook type alias so you can do... what you're doing. I can't for the life of me recall it, and I'm not at my Windows box right now, but if you hop to the definition of PfnDllHook I bet you'll find out what it is. It's probably close by.
– WhozCraig
Jul 2 at 3:39



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