Python-JIRA unable to add_worklog of previous day

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Python-JIRA unable to add_worklog of previous day

I have pasted my python code for jira to add the work-log but it is not working.Something is not working with "started" argument of the jira.add_worklog API.Kindly help to resolve.

Preferable if you provide the suitable example on this.

from jira.client

import JIRA
import time

now = time.strftime("%A ""%c")

options ={'server': ''}
jira= JIRA(options, basic_auth=('chaitanya.mehta','qa123*'))
jira.add_worklog("SVC-2531", timeSpent="15m", comment= "DSM for 20 June'18", started="2018-06-20T08:21:01.273+0000")
print("Worklog successfully done at %s" %now)

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