How to capture raw/plain text response from the server

Multi tool use
How to capture raw/plain text response from the server
I'm currently using Retrofit 1
I'm trying to find away to capture raw/plaintext response from server but not sure how to retrieve it.
This where i initialize it
void resendEmail(@Body String email, ResponseCallback result);
and here's where i implement it.
userServiceApi.resendEmail(email, new ResponseCallback() {
public void success(Response response) {
public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
what i get from error.getMessage is only the http code status.
if i try to test the api with postman, this will be the response that i capture in JSON format
and this one will be in the raw/plain text format.
This is the client initialize
OkHttpClient mClient = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder().addInterceptor(new PublicApiIntercepter()).build();
return new RestAdapter.Builder()
.setClient(new Ok3Client(mClient))
.setConverter(new GsonConverter(gson))
.setLogLevel(BuildConfig.DEBUG ? RestAdapter.LogLevel.FULL : RestAdapter.LogLevel.NONE)
Please help. thank you
@JaysonChacko for error.getMessage == 401 and error.getBody == Method threw 'java.lang.RuntimeException' exception. But if i checked on postman for raw response == "e-mail address not registered"
– thundeNilla
Jul 2 at 0:47
1 Answer
Change from :
void resendEmail(@Body String email, ResponseCallback result);
change to :
Call<ResponseBody> resendEmail(@Body String email, ResponseCallback result);
I think Call<ResponseBody> only supported in Retrofit2 and its not supported for Retrofit1 @divaP
– thundeNilla
Jul 2 at 5:28
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What is the value of http code? Check the value of error.getBody().
– Jayson Chacko
Jul 2 at 0:13