access particular set of pixels MTLTexture in melal

Multi tool use
access particular set of pixels MTLTexture in melal
I created a MTLtexture using UIImage data as follows.
var texture = metalView.currentDrawable!.texture
let uiImg = createImageFromCurrentDrawable()
guard let device = metalView.device else {
fatalError("Device not created. Run on a physical device")
let textureLoader = MTKTextureLoader(device:device)
let imageData: NSData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(uiImg)! as NSData
texture = try! textureLoader.newTexture(data: imageData as Data, options: [MTKTextureLoader.Option.allocateMipmaps : (false as NSNumber)])
what I need to do is change pixels color in MTLTexture.Not all of them.So Is it possible to access particular set of pixels in MTLtexture and write into it in metal?
1 Answer
Yes, as a look at the MTLTexture
documentation would have shown you. You can use one of the getBytes()
methods to copy a region of texture data out to a buffer, and one of the replace()
methods to replace a region of the texture's pixel with data from a buffer you supply.
Not sure. Depends on what you're doing exactly and the pixel format of the data you're supplying. Probably best to open a new question with those details, what you expected, and what you actually got.
– Ken Thomases
Jul 4 at 14:29
Thanks ken.I figured it out lately.Yes indeed it's because of pixel format. Instead of pixelFormat: .bgra8Unorm in MTLTextureDescriptor i have accidently added .argb8Unorm which causes to unexpected behaviour.
– KP1239
Jul 5 at 4:34
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got it.It worked.thanks for the tip Ken.Btw when I replace portion of pixels in the texture, color values are changed from actual values of that particular set of pixels.Do you know any possible reason for this kind of behavior
– KP1239
Jul 4 at 12:20