Laravel Query with Multiple Tables Join and Multiple Join Fields

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Laravel Query with Multiple Tables Join and Multiple Join Fields

I'm trying to build a query to join multiple tables with multiple join fields.

This is the code:

$crew = DB::table('crew')
->join('aclist', function ($join){
$query->on('aclist.ac_config', '=', 'crew.config')
->on('aclist.ac_type', '=', 'crew.ac_type');
// Error happened after I add this indexform join script
->join('indexform', function ($join){
$query->on('indexform.config', '=', 'crew.config')
->on('indexform.ac_type', '=', 'crew.ac_type');

->where('aclist.ac_reg', $input['acreg'])

Below is the view code, and it's no longer working after I add the indexform join script

@foreach ($crew as $crw)
<td class="container" align="center" colspan="4">{{$crw->description}}</td>
<td class="container" align="center">{{$crw->qty}}</td>
<td class="container" align="center">{{$crw->arm_meter}}</td>
<td class="container" align="center">{{$crw->weight_kg}}</td>
<td class="container" align="center">{{$crw->index}}</td>

The query work well before I add the script to join the indexform tables.
Please help how to build query to join three tables with multiple "on" criteria.

What's the error?
– Jonas Staudenmeir
Jul 2 at 6:48

The view code is no longer returning values after I add the indexform join script
– seeai
Jul 3 at 10:32

Looks like there is no data that can satisfy all constraints. Does crew contain entries that have matching entries in aclist AND indexform?
– Jonas Staudenmeir
Jul 3 at 12:50




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