How to fetch parents based on their child's records

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

How to fetch parents based on their child's records

I have two models like


class Company < ApplicationRecord
has_many :posts


class Post < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :company

scope :notClosed, -> {where(closed: false)}
scope :published, -> {where(published: true)}

I want to fetch companies which carries at least one post with matching post scope


Currently my queries is

Company.where(company_type: "Private").all

It's return all companies but how to modify this query for my needs.

I want to fetch companies which carries at least one post, actually, an INNER JOIN keyword would return the companies with posts associated, you can append a distinct statement to get non-repeated records. Can you explain further what you're trying to do?
– Sebastian Palma
Jul 2 at 3:55

I don't want to fetch company which post record zero based on post scope like notClosed and published @SebastianPalma
– jesica
Jul 2 at 3:58




So, try Company.joins(:posts).distinct.merge(Post.notClosed).
– Sebastian Palma
Jul 2 at 4:00


Hey @SebastianPalma, maybe it's working see the query SELECT DISTINCT "companies".* FROM "companies" INNER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."company_id" = "companies"."id" WHERE "companies"."company_type" = ? AND "posts"."closed" = ? AND "posts"."published" = ? LIMIT ? [["company_type", "Private"], ["closed", "f"], ["published", "t"], ["LIMIT", 11]], can you please suggest me about speed performance issue because my database is only posts over one million, I think you can post this as a answer.
– jesica
Jul 2 at 4:13

SELECT DISTINCT "companies".* FROM "companies" INNER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."company_id" = "companies"."id" WHERE "companies"."company_type" = ? AND "posts"."closed" = ? AND "posts"."published" = ? LIMIT ? [["company_type", "Private"], ["closed", "f"], ["published", "t"], ["LIMIT", 11]]

3 Answers

published_post_companies = Company.joins(:posts).distinct.merge(Post.published)
notClosed_post_companies = Company.joins(:posts).distinct.merge(Post.notClosed)

This will get you all Companies (once) with at least one post that's "not closed":

Company.includes(:posts).joins(:posts).where(company_type: "Private").merge(Post.notClosed)

It's execution time is to long
– jesica
Jul 2 at 4:17

Do you have database indices on all the relevant columns, i. e. company.company_type, post,company_id, post.closed, post.published?
– MattW.
Jul 2 at 8:10

The explicit Rails way: get the IDs of companies from the Post scope then query on those IDs:


Company.where(id: Post.published.pluck(:company_id).uniq)

Note, however, this might be expensive if you have a huge amount of posts. There could be a more efficient way using SQL.

My database is only posts over one million
– jesica
Jul 2 at 4:01

where(id: would serve you better, that would do a subquery inside the database rather than pulling a bunch of data out of the database and then sending it back. It also neatly avoids duplicates that JOINs can introduce.
– mu is too short
Jul 2 at 4:02


Hello Sir @muistooshort, I have several condition like type: "private", notClosed, published & not expired how the query based on that condition, can you please suggest me.
– jesica
Jul 2 at 4:10

type: "private"




@muistooshort TIL, ty for the comment.
– Tamer Shlash
Jul 2 at 4:12

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