react-native-fcm don't receive notification when app is opened

Multi tool use
react-native-fcm don't receive notification when app is opened
Why can't i receive notication from react-native-fcm when the app is opened?
Here is my payload
const proState={};
data: {
id: senderKey+':chat',
type: 'chat'
notification: {
title: proState.senderSnap.fullname,
body: proState.lastmsg,
sound: 'default',
id: senderKey+':chat',
tag : senderKey+':chat',
priority : "high",
data: senderKey
const optionss = {
priority: "high",
show_in_foreground: true
return admin.messaging()
.sendToTopic(proState.notiUID, proState.notiPayload,optionss)
I only receives notifications when the app is minimized or closed
1 Answer
you are facing same issue in android and ios both platforms? If you are facing this issue only in ios then don't worry ios not receives notifications in foreground. Which is default behaviour of ios.
OK then test it no ios
– Harshit
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Is android i experienced the issue but not yet tested on ios
– wisdom