What does “Version” mean when viewing reference properties in Visual Studio?

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What does “Version” mean when viewing reference properties in Visual Studio?
I am currently battling "DLL hell" in Visual Studio 2017. For unknown reasons, I suddenly got a problem with System.ValueTuple, where the error I get is the classic problem that have been asked many times before:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.ValueTuple, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
I cannot really figure it out, as I have dont think I should have any reference to VS tells me the following:
What I dont get is how the "Version" of the System.ValueTuple says, when I have installed version 4.4.0 according to the path of the DLL and according to NuGet Manager.
So, why is it like this?
Ehm, that sounds completely weird =) So, When I install verion 4.4.0, I am really installing version then, in the case of System.ValueTuple. Then I dont get, what is a package version and why does it differ from the assembly verson, that I am actually installing?
– Ted
Jul 3 at 11:10
That's a question for the producer of the package. Many libraries fix the assembly version to something like
– Paulo Morgado
Jul 3 at 11:47
So, 4.40 means very little in this case, and NuGet versions are in most cases then completely off; the actual version of the library can be anything else? I see this discrepancy with a lot (most?) things I install from NuGet etc.
– Ted
Jul 3 at 11:57
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You have installed the version 4.4.0 of the NuGet package that doesn't necessarily contain an assembly with version
– Paulo Morgado
Jul 3 at 10:16