Building .netstandard library on linux using command line options

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Building .netstandard library on linux using command line options

How to build a project targeted to netstandard on linux using command line options. Can MSBUILD/csc be used to build the files on linux.

I had googled and found that .NET Core sdk provides "dotnet" tool to compile the code.

But to compile a code which has to be targeted to "netstandard" what command line tool has to be used which comes along the sdk.

1 Answer

The information on the target framework can simply be indicated in the .csproj file.


Then you execute dotnet publish or dotnet build to generate binaries.

dotnet publish

dotnet build

For instance, here is a MyProject.csproj example of a project that has several target framework for .NET standard :


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


If I want the .NET standard 2.0 output I can execute :

dotnet publish MyProject.csproj --framework netstandard2.0 (with maybe other unrelated options)

dotnet publish MyProject.csproj --framework netstandard2.0

Note: usually, you need only one target framework.

BTW, unless the code base requires conditional compilation, it is less likely to need many .NET Standard versions in TargetFrameworks.
– Lex Li
Jul 3 at 1:34


yes, you are right. In one particular project example I actually needed to have several target, but usually there is only one needed as you said.
– Pac0
Jul 3 at 7:36

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