Expo/GenyMotion throws “ADB server didn't ACK” when running project

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Expo/GenyMotion throws “ADB server didn't ACK” when running project

I'm trying to set up a React Native project using GenyMotion and Expo on Ubuntu. However, when I click the 'Device' button in Expo to package the app onto the emulator, I get the following error in the Expo console:

ADB Server didn't ACK error

I initially tried to use React Native through Android Studio, with the inbuilt Android emulator, so I thought the issue might that my computer hasmultiple ADB versions (when I ran $ adb --start-server from the terminal, it'd run the Android Studio binary, not the GenyMotion one). So I:

$ adb --start-server


$ adb --start-server

$ sudo apt-get remove adb android-tools-adb

Set the filepath for the Android SDK in GenyMotion to my GenyMotion Android SDK. But I'm guessing is the same as the default setting, so I don't know if I needed to do this?

GenyMotion Android SDK

Removed all path variables related to Android Studio from my .bashrc file, including $ANDROID_HOME. (should I instead set $ANDROID_HOME to point to the GenyMotion Android SDK?




After doing the above, $ ps -aux | grep 5037 outputs the following:

$ ps -aux | grep 5037

ps output

even after quitting GenyMotion and Expo, so it looks like there is still a forked ADB daemon running. If I cd to my GenyMotion SDK and run $ ./adb kill-server (after quitting GM and Expo) that process doesn't show up in the output of ps anymore. However, interestingly, if I run $ ./adb start-server I get this:


$ ./adb kill-server


$ ./adb start-server

ADB out of date

But I don't know how to udpate the GenyMotion version of ADB. This also seems to indicate there are different ADB server and client programs. Is this correct? I have only ever interacted with the adb binary in the SDK folders.


UPDATE: I tried starting ADB from the terminal again, and cannot recreate the conflicting version error. The server starts perfectly now.

I was also having trouble with tunneling not working in Expo, so I've changed the host to localhost. It works, but I'm not sure exactly what the implications of this change are:

Expo host change

Obviously, I'm pretty new to Android development, and GenyMotion/Expo in particular. But I think I've been pretty thorough in my troubleshooting. What else can I try?

You got any solution for this mate?
– Deepak Singh
Jul 3 at 11:40

@DeepakSingh Yeah, I've now answered my post with what I eventually got it working for me. Hope it helps.
– Sam
Jul 3 at 11:46

1 Answer

The solution, at least for me, was that I needed to add export PATH="/home/darik/projects/android/genymotion/tools:$PATH" to my .bashrc file. I'm guessing the reason the ADB server wasn't ACKing was that Expo couldn't find the ADB server in my path env variable.

export PATH="/home/darik/projects/android/genymotion/tools:$PATH"


I've installed Genymotion and added a virtual device. Under the setting for adb I've pointed to the /opt/genymobile/genymotion/tools path. What you have left here to do in .bashrc file I've done that too with the path set same as mentioned above. Now when start the expo and do "Install Android App" I get this error. ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * error: Here now I'm not sure about both the paths which I've set. Any help would be appreciated.
– Deepak Singh
Jul 3 at 13:46

I don't think you need the /tools at the end of your ADB settings. Try just /opt/genymobile/genymotion or just selecting the 'Use Genymotion Android tools (default)' radio button instead, since I'm pretty sure that they both mean the same thing.
– Sam
Jul 4 at 5:40



In the expo when go to expo menu and click on the Install andriod App it still gives me same error.
– Deepak Singh
Jul 4 at 13:08

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