how to remove spaces and double quotes and number ending dot using sed command [closed]

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

how to remove spaces and double quotes and number ending dot using sed command [closed]

I need to remove space before and after the | symbol and number ending | before dot
and string have double quotes.

example :

shyam|abhi"|ee d|453223.|shuyb

should become :


please suggest me how to do using sed linux command.

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what did you try? what worked and what didn't work?
– sathyz
Jul 2 at 5:27

space remove is working using this command sed 's/[[:space:]]*|[[:space:]]*/|/g' text and double quote also working sed -e 's/"//g' test.csv > test1.csv only thins is i need to remove period before | symbol. also please suggest only one single command to remove these all things.
– Vittal Cherala
Jul 2 at 5:30

@VittalCherala please click edit and add those details to question
– Sundeep
Jul 2 at 6:29

Please avoid "Give me the codez" questions that have been asked and answered so many times you have to make an effort to avoid finding an answer. Also see How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users?
– jww
Jul 2 at 6:54

I resolved using this sed commnad. This command worked only deleted dot symbol near | symbol. sed 's/.|/|/g' b1.csv > v4.csv 11987.| it came 11987|
– Vittal Cherala
Jul 2 at 11:08

1 Answer

You can specify a list of characters to be removed using basic regex, remember to use global substitution in your case.

$ sed 's/[" .]//g'
shyam|abhi"|ee d|453223.|shuyb

Thanks sathyz. it's working.
– Vittal Cherala
Jul 2 at 6:54

Also Sathyz, in number there is decimal dot (1234.00) but that should not remove, only trailing dot need to remove( 09989.|)
– Vittal Cherala
Jul 2 at 7:08

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