Implement Multi Select feature (Long press/Hold and select) in Ionic

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Implement Multi Select feature (Long press/Hold and select) in Ionic

I am working on an Ionic project having a list. I want a multi-select feature just like the hold and select feature in android gallery, so that upon long press checkboxes appear in front of list items, enabling me to select more than one item.

Any suggestions on how to implement that? I am not looking for GalleryView feature but just long press and select feature, just like it.

Is it possible without creating actual checkboxes? Or do I need to create checkboxes and implement the on-hold event?

Note: For those who are confusing whether I want to implement android gallery feature, please pay attention! I DO NOT want to implement android gallery feature here. I only want to implement a MULTI-SELECT feature on simple list in the same way we select multiple images on long press in android gallery, or even take an example of selecting multiple contacts in contact list, etc.

You need to create your own gallery .
May 5 at 8:02

No that's not what I meant, I only need a multi select feature as in android gallery.
– Dhruv Singhal
May 5 at 8:06

See… . Its for java.
May 5 at 8:26

Try FileChooser component from Ionic Framework
– Shreyas Pednekar
May 5 at 9:12

Some brief explanation please on what it does regarding to the question... I haven't tried it before
– Dhruv Singhal
May 5 at 9:23

1 Answer

Try this -

<ion-navbar color="primary">
<ion-buttons end *ngIf=selection>
<button ion-button tappable (click)=disableSelect()>
<ion-icon name="close" style="zoom:1.5;"></ion-icon>

<ion-content padding>
<div *ngFor="let notification of notifications; let i=index" tappable text-wrap (click)=!selection?toggleGroup(i):selectItem(i,notification)
(press)=selectItem(i,notification) [ngStyle]="{'background-color': notification.isSelected ? '#f2f2f2' : '#ffffff'}">

And for the typescript

export class NotificationPage {
notifications: Array<NotificationPojo> = new Array<NotificationPojo>();
selection: boolean = false;

public navParams: NavParams,
private alertCtrl: AlertController
) {}

public selectItem(index: number, notification: NotificationPojo) {
// alert ("INsiede item selection");
this.selection = true;
notification.isSelected = notification.isSelected ? false : true;
this.notifications[index] = notification;

public unselectAll() {
this.selection = false;
this.notifications.forEach(notification => {
notification.isSelected = false;

The above logic works like I've taken a flag that will let me know whether the selection is started or not. For the particular item, select I've added a variable to the page of the item which will determine whether a particular item is selected or not. And to display whether a item is selected or not I've user [NgStyle] on item press. In Ionic Press means Tap and Hold.



I will try this, in the meanwhile can you give a brief explanation for your logic behind the code. It would be helpful if I first examine it then use it. If possible please provide the logic in your answer. Thanks
– Dhruv Singhal
Jul 2 at 5:22

I've added some explanation please do check it out.
– Ashutosh Sagar
Jul 2 at 5:28

Will check it out shortly. Thanks
– Dhruv Singhal
Jul 2 at 5:43

Would be nice if I get to check the key parts related to my question. It is not easy to figure out the way to do what I require by looking at the whole code.
– Dhruv Singhal
Jul 2 at 8:17

I've shortened my answer, please check. Now this time only the necessary terms are there.
– Ashutosh Sagar
Jul 2 at 8:55

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