In git, how do I remove a commit from a branch but keep that commit in a separate branch?

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

In git, how do I remove a commit from a branch but keep that commit in a separate branch?

I have a DEV branch with a history looking like this (with each list item being a separate commit):

Suppose I want to "delete" feature 3 from this branch, but I don't want to lose the code in this feature so I want to put it in it's own separate branch.

Basically, from the dev branch above, I want to end up with two branches looking like this:



Any ideas how I can achieve this in git?

Possible duplicate of Move some commits to another branch
– phd
Jul 2 at 8:51

3 Answers

Create a new branch from feature3. Then reset feature3 from the dev branch. However, if you have pushed these commits you will need to use revert






First create newbranch from feature3



git checkout dev
git branch newbranch feature3
git reset --hard feature3

Now if you haven't pushed to remote

git reset --hard feature3

Or if you have pushed

git revert feature3

Also, if you want to add specific commits to newbranch, like feature7 you can use



git checkout newbranch
git cherry-pick feature7

Perfect. Worked flawlessly. Actually also needed the cherry-picking. Thanks!
– Weblurk
Jul 2 at 9:18

#create NEW
git branch NEW commit3

#rewrite DEV
git rebase -i commit2 DEV

#in the editor remove the line "pick commit3", save and exit.

To create a new branch till feature3:


git checkout <feature3_commit_id>
git checkout -b new_branch

To remove feature3 from dev branch


git checkout dev_branch
git rebase --onto <feature2_commit_id> <feature3_commit_id> <feature5_commit_id>

Just FYI, you can use git log --oneline to find commit ids.

git log --oneline

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