Querying a XML column in SQL Server [closed]

Multi tool use
Querying a XML column in SQL Server [closed]
I wish to query a XML column in SQL Server. Following is the XML structure:
<MessageEnvelope xmlns="http://schemas.xyz.com/messagebus/messageenvelope/1.0" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<CustomField2 />
<CustomField3 />
<Counterpart xmlns="http://schemas.xyz.com/messagebus/saxotrading/counterpart/1.1">
<Counterpart xmlns="http://schemas.xyz.com/messagebus/saxotrading/counterpart/1.1">
<Counterpart xmlns="http://schemas.xyz.com/messagebus/saxotrading/counterpart/1.1">
<Counterpart xmlns="http://schemas.xyz.com/messagebus/saxotrading/counterpart/1.1">
<Counterpart xmlns="http://schemas.xyz.com/messagebus/saxotrading/counterpart/1.1">
<Counterpart xmlns="http://schemas.xyz.com/messagebus/saxotrading/counterpart/1.1">
My desired filter is TaxCountry =65 and I wish to get the counterpartId of my matched filter.
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1 Answer
You need to pay attentiton to the two XML namespaces in your XML document - but otherwise, it's pretty straightforward:
-- define the two namespaces in question - one for the root element and its subordinates,
-- the second one for the <Counterpart> nodes and its children
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://schemas.xyz.com/messagebus/messageenvelope/1.0' AS root,
'http://schemas.xyz.com/messagebus/saxotrading/counterpart/1.1' AS ns)
xc.value('(ns:CounterpartID)[1]', 'int')
@input.nodes('/root:MessageEnvelope/root:MessagePayload/ns:Counterpart') AS xt(xc)
xc.value('(ns:TaxCountry)[1]', 'int') = 65
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's a zero-effort requirements dump.
– EJoshuaS
Jul 2 at 5:19