Reference to a TableView Delegate Object within a Scene in Swift 4

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Reference to a TableView Delegate Object within a Scene in Swift 4

I have a tableview in a SpriteKit scene. Using a tableview delegate method, I like to pass to another scene/ViewController, which cell was selected. There is only a single storyboard as this is entirely a SpriteKit game.

//TableView inside Scene & Delegate Protocol:

protocol gameSelectedDelegate {
func theGameSelected(gameInt: Int)

class GamesTableView: UITableView, UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource {
//Test Data
var items: [String] = ["Player1", "Player2"]
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
var gamesList = [Game]()
var passedGame: Int?

//instance of delegate
var selectionDelegate: gameSelectedDelegate!`

//GameScene to receive tableview data and delegate for my tableview

class GamePlay: SKScene, gameSelectedDelegate {

var backButton = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "ArialRoundedMTBold")
var score = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "ArialRoundedMTBold")
var passedGame = 0 //Not getting passed from LoadGame
var passedGameDelegate:Int? = nil

override func sceneDidLoad() {

let grid = childNode(withName: "grid")
grid?.zPosition = 1
self.backgroundColor =

let sc = GamesTableView.self //How do I get a reference to my tableview?
sc.selectionDelegate = self

Your question isn't very clear. Why did you subclass UITableView? You either want to subclass UIViewController and put a UITableView in it, or you want to subclass UITableViewController. How do the table view and the sprite kit scenes relate?
– Paulw11
Jul 2 at 2:15





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