Sometime mac keyboard dosen't work i have to type from simulator keyboard

Multi tool use
Sometime mac keyboard dosen't work i have to type from simulator keyboard
I googled it and try many options but doesn't get success
i am working on two apps at a time so when i run one app. mac keyboard works but when i run another app it stop working.
i have to type from simulator keyboard i tried Hardware>Keyboard>Connect Hardware Keyboard
but doesn't work
and sometimes it work i am able to type from mac keyboard in same case.
i am using xcode 9.2.
I also tried this question Not able to type in textfield in iphone simulator using Mac Keyboard?
any help will appreciate
Hardware>Keyboard>Connect Hardware Keyboard
2 Answers
If you delete the following file and restart Xcode it should work.
Or you can try this:
This worked for me Xcode 9.3:
Simulator app > Quit Simulator
Simulator app > Quit Simulator
Rerun app
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