What is full name of fcntl Unix/Linux system call

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

What is full name of fcntl Unix/Linux system call

Man page of fcntl tell its used for manipulating file descriptors. But this name is not easy to remember. Knowing its full name will help in remember this system call name and its use. I tried to find on internet but could not get anything except man pages.


Please someone tell what is full name or origin of name of fcntl.

1 Answer

From POSIX, it is File Control:


    fcntl - file control


There is a related system call, ioctl, i.e. Input-Output Control. The difference between the 2 is that fcntl modifies the file descriptor / file description, whereas ioctl controls behaviour of the input/output device behind the file description.




Now, you just have to remember if it's fcntl, fctl or fctrl :p
– ikegami
Nov 27 '17 at 18:45




It's the one that sounds the most like it was written in Nahuatl with vowels omitted.
– Antti Haapala
Nov 27 '17 at 18:51

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