psycopg2 close connection pool

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psycopg2 close connection pool

I'm developing a Flask API, and I have the following code to have a connection pool using Psycopg2. I wonder should I consider to close the connection pool when the program terminates and how should I do this?

def get_cursor(:
global connection_pool
if not cls.connection_pool:
cls.connection_pool = ThreadedConnectionPool(5, 25, dsn=PoolingWrap.generate_conn_string())

con = cls.connection_pool.getconn()
yield con.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor)

Before going for an answer, I'd like to know if there's a reason you aren't using sqlalchemy, which has ways that help you handle this.
– Luis Orduz
Jun 26 at 13:59

what server are you using?
– Matthew Story
Jun 26 at 16:58

I agree with @LuisOrduz, SQLAlchemy is the recommended ORM for db querying in Flask. The library Flask-SQLAlchemy is well documented.
– user8212173
Jun 27 at 11:42

you may need to return con object also, after cursor.execute you have to do commit by using con object, after calling commit function you must put away the connection
– Murali
Jun 28 at 11:28

@mart1n - have you tried using 'with'?
– Scott Skiles
Jun 29 at 0:08

2 Answers

I believe that so long as you are closing the transactions in each connection correctly, then you should not have any problem just leaving the global pool.
I think the worst that can happen in that case is some connections on the DB side take a short while to work out that they've been closed on the client side - but this should not be able to cause any data consistency type issues.

However, if you really want to close the connection pool before you exit, one way to do this is to register an atexit function.


import atexit

def close_connection_pool():
global connection_pool

Lets talk about context manager first.

Basic context manager is

class File(object):
def __init__(self, file_name, method):
self.file_obj = open(file_name, method)
def __enter__(self):
return self.file_obj
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

with File('working_file','r') as f:
your code

__enter__ method is called when you and return value will be assign to f.


When you exit the with block it call __exit__ method in which you should close your open connection or file or any cleanup you want to do.


when contextmanager decorator is used it combines __enter__ and __exit__
in one function. code before yield will be treated as __enter__ yield will be treated as return value from __enter__. Code after yield will be treated as __exit__.






Basic structure to create context manager using contextmanager decorator is

def my_context_manager():
<this is your enter code> # similar __enter__ method
yield [value] # similar to return value provided in __enter__ method
<this code execute if no error occur in with block>
<exceptional exit from with-block>
raise # use raise if you want to raise exception that occur in with block

So answer to your question is yes, you should close the connection pool when the program terminates.

def get_cursor(:
global connection_pool
if not cls.connection_pool:
cls.connection_pool = ThreadedConnectionPool(5, 25, dsn=PoolingWrap.generate_conn_string())
con = cls.connection_pool.getconn()
yield con.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor)
<close your connection here>

I think this is a little unclear. It looks mostly like it is relating to exception handling when obtaining the cursor, and is not about the exiting of the application at all. It seems to add nothing over the original questions code. Maybe you can expand or clarify what you mean?
– Michael Anderson
Jul 2 at 6:26


code after yield will be treated as exit method, where you close your connection. If you don't close your connection in exit block. It will remain open.
– surya singh
Jul 2 at 6:31

The question, as I read it, is not about closing the individual connections and returning them to the pool at the end of their use, which you clearly must do, (and the existing code in the original post does), but about closing the pool as a whole on application termination.
– Michael Anderson
Jul 2 at 6:37

right. I miss read it.
– surya singh
Jul 2 at 7:19

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