Cordova Media Play sequencial Audios with delay

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Cordova Media Play sequencial Audios with delay

Im trying to play 3 audio files sequencially, with 1 second delay.
This code works well at Android Device(actual device, after build), but on iOs(via xcode run) and browser it wait 3 seconds(3000 milisecondes) and play all at once.
What could be the solution for all platforms?

function playAudio(files) {
var arquivos = files.split('-')
for (var i = 0, length = arquivos.length; i < length; i++)
var arquivo = 'media/notas/'+arquivos[i]+'.mp3'
my_media = new Media(getMediaURL(arquivo),function () {},function (err) { window.alert("playAudio():Audio Error: " + err)});;

function wait(ms){
var start = new Date().getTime();
var end = start;
while(end < start + ms) {
end = new Date().getTime();

while(end < start + ms) { That's a lot of CPU usage, couldn't you use await instead?
– CertainPerformance
Jul 1 at 20:51

while(end < start + ms) {


Thanks for the tip, but I'm getting the same result: iOs and Browser waits 3seconds and play all at once.
– alexandrecfb
Jul 2 at 13:52

It sounds like you're not using await properly..? Await a Promise that resolves after a second
– CertainPerformance
Jul 2 at 22:25



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