“Debugging connection was closed: Render process was gone”, when trying to download a 7gb from cdn

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

“Debugging connection was closed: Render process was gone”, when trying to download a 7gb from cdn

We are trying to download a 7 GB from CDN using JSZip.js. The chrome browser suddenly seems to close the connection when the download reaches 3.5gb every time. The approximate time is around 15 mins. Is there a way we increase the tolerant time to 1 hr say?

$("#downloadJSZip").on('click', function () {

var result = [{ "cdn": "url....", "filename": "7.84 gb.zip", "size": 4194304, "path": "7.84 gb" }];
var Promise = window.Promise;
if (!Promise) {
Promise = JSZip.external.Promise;

function urlToPromise(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(url, function (err, data) {
if(err) {
} else {

var fileNameArray = ;

function changeFileName(fileName,j){
var i = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
var newfilename = fileName.slice(0,i)+"--"+j+fileName.slice(i);

if(fileNameArray.indexOf(newfilename) != -1){
j = j+1;
return newfilename;

var zip = new JSZip();
// find every checked item
var filename = file.filename;
if(fileNameArray.indexOf(filename) != -1){
var newfilename = changeFileName(filename,1);
filename = newfilename;
var url = file.cdn;
var folder = (file.path);
zip.folder(folder).file(filename, urlToPromise(url), {binary:true});
// zip.file(filename, urlToPromise(url), {binary:true});


// when everything has been downloaded, we can trigger the dl
}, function updateCallback(metadata) {
var msg = "progression : " + metadata.percent.toFixed(2) + " %";
if(metadata.currentFile) {
msg += ", current file = " + metadata.currentFile;

.then(function callback(blob) {

// see FileSaver.js
//saveAs(blob, "example.zip") ;
saveAs(blob, $scope.folderName+".zip") ;

//console.log("done !");

}, function (e) {



Is this chrome browser configuration?

Chrome has a hardcoded memory limit for a tab process which is about 3.5GB even in 64-bit Chrome. This is done to prevent a bad page script from exhausting all the system memory. As for a solution, try FileSystem API, which is available in Chrome, to download the data to a temporary disk file directly.
– wOxxOm
Jul 2 at 12:02

Can you share a sample api by using filesystem? As per this post html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/filesystem there is no support for filesystem api. We want to zip and download a large file onto to users disk (if possible to do the zip process also on disc instead of process memory). Possibly using all the browser types
– Santosh
Jul 2 at 21:34

Like I said it's Chrome only, and yes Chrome may remove it in the future, but right now it works. I don't have an example but you should be able to find those yourself.
– wOxxOm
Jul 3 at 5:19

The site caniuse.com/#feat=fileapi suggests that api support is going to continue..
– Santosh
Jul 3 at 19:43

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