Delay first 3 items by 1 second and the fourth by 4 seconds

Multi tool use
Delay first 3 items by 1 second and the fourth by 4 seconds
I'm trying to display the first 3 numbers each one delayed by 1 second and the fourth one by 4 seconds. Unfortunately, my code displays the four numbers by 1 second
import { from, of, race, timer, interval } from 'rxjs';
import { groupBy, mergeMap, toArray, map,merge, reduce, concatMap, delay, concat, timeout, catchError, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
const obs$ = from([1,2,3]).pipe(concatMap(a => of(a).pipe(delay(1000))));
const obs2$ = of(4).pipe(delay(4000));
const result$ = obs$.pipe(merge(obs2$));
const subscribe = result$.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
It displays
instead of
this question is entirely for learning rxjs as beginner and has been tested on
1 Answer
The merge
operator subscribes to both observable (obs$
and obs2$
) at the same time. Therefore the result you get from your code may be explained as follows:
obs$ -----1-----2-----3
obs2$ -----------------------4
result$ -----1-----2-----3-----4
You may achieve your goal by forcing merge
to subscribe only one observable at a time by providing the second argument as 1 (which is Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
by default) like the following:
const obs$ = from([1,2,3]).pipe(concatMap(a => of(a).pipe(delay(1000))));
const obs2$ = of(4).pipe(delay(4000));
// Provide the concurrency (second) argument as 1
const result$ = obs$.pipe(merge(obs2$, 1));
const subscribe = result$.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
Use concat
instead of merge
const obs$ = from([1, 2, 3]).pipe(concatMap(a => of(a).pipe(delay(1000))));
const obs2$ = of(4).pipe(delay(4000));
const result$ = concat(obs$, obs2$);
const subscribe = result$.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
Otherwise you simply make use of the second parameter of concatMap
which is the index (starts from 0) of emitted items.
const obs$ = from([1, 2, 3, 4]);
const delayed$ = obs$.pipe(
concatMap((value, index) => {
if (index <= 2) {
// Delay the first 3 items by 1 sec
return of(value).pipe(delay(1000));
} else {
// Delay other items (here the 4th item) by 4 sec
return of(value).pipe(delay(4000));
delayed$.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
See updated answer
– siva636
Jul 3 at 4:43
your answer totally rocks, really clear. Thanks man, you're great ! I didn't think merge would subscribe to both observable, but actually it's logical.
– John
Jul 3 at 21:29
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could you explain me why my code doesn't work ?
– John
Jul 2 at 18:25