Dialyzer Warnings in erlang, Records construction and improper lists

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Dialyzer Warnings in erlang, Records construction and improper lists

I am trying to fix the warnings in erlang code found from dialyzer. i came across few errors like record construction and improper lists what causes these errors. can anyone explain it.

thank you!

can you show dialyzer errors and the code (some lines) that errors come from?
– Pouriya
Jul 1 at 21:18

1 Answer

Proper list:


Improper list:


...which could result from defining a function like this:

f([H|]) -> H-1;
f([H|T]) -> [H - 1 | f(T) ].

instead of:

f([H|]) -> [H-1];
f([H|T]) -> [H - 1 | f(T) ].

Record construction error:


I do not get that record construction error in erlang 20.2.

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