Does Boost Spirit X3 support left recursion?

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Does Boost Spirit X3 support left recursion?

One of the shortcomings/implementation challenges of recursive-descent parsers is dealing with left recursion, e.g.

<expr> := <expr> '+' <num>
| <num>

The parser needs to parse an expr before it can parse an expr...

Now, Boost::Spirit::X3 generates recursive descent parsers. Does that mean it doesn't support left-recursion, or does it have workarounds for it?

Note: Left recursion can (often? always?) be eliminated from the grammar beforehand (like in the solution to this question), but that's not what I'm asking.

1 Answer

Spirit doesn't rewrite your grammar at all, it runs exactly what you've wrote.

So are you saying this kind of syntax would result in a compilation error? Runtime error?
– einpoklum
Jul 1 at 21:44

Qi only tries to check for direct left recursion at compile time, while X3 does not do even this. The infinity recursion should (and will) lead to a crash with stack overflow at runtime.
– Nikita Kniazev
Jul 1 at 21:52

Please put that in the answer so I can accept...
– einpoklum
Jul 2 at 6:45

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