Ember change normalizeResponse based on queried model

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Ember change normalizeResponse based on queried model

I'm using a second datastore with my Ember app, so I can communicate with a separate external API. I have no control over this API.

With a DS.JSONSerializer I can add some missing properties like id:



normalizeResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType) {
if (requestType == 'query') {
payload.forEach(function(el, index) {
payload[index].id = index

Now I can do some different tricks for each different requestType. But every response is parsed. Now sometimes a response from one request needs to be parsed differently.


So what I am trying to do is change the normalizeResponse functionality for each different request path (mapped to a fake model using pathForType in an adapter for this store). But the argument store is always the same (obviously) and the argument promaryModelClass is always "unknown mixin" - not sure if this can be any help.





How can I find what model was requested? With this information I could do a switch() in normalizeResponse.



Is there a different way to achieve my goal that does not require me to make a separate adapter for every path/model?

There are over a dozen normalize functions available. Something should work for what I am trying to achieve.

You can create separate serializer/adapter for model (name it the same as model and ember will use it for that model).
– Gennady Dogaev
Jun 28 at 16:27

Good advise, although I knew this already. The method is very verbose. I'm specifically looking for a way to do this in my one adapter or serializer that works fine for everything else.
– Redsandro
Jul 1 at 15:17

Docs say that primaryModelClass is a DS.Model which means primaryModelClass.modelName should return model name. And I just tested it on my project and it contains model name.
– Gennady Dogaev
Jul 1 at 15:29




@GennadyDogaev this works! This is exactly what I am looking for. I tried primartModelClass.name which is always Class. You put two and two together. Turn this into an answer and I will accept it.
– Redsandro
Jul 1 at 20:07



2 Answers

You can use primaryModelClass.modelName.


I think this is a great example of a use case of not using ember data.

Assuming that you have models A,B,C that are all working great with ember data, leave those alone.

I'd create a separate service and make raw requests to that different endpoint. So you'd replace this.store.query('thing', {args}) with a separate service that uses ember-ajax (or ember-fetch or whatever). If you need, you can use that service to hold the data that you need (Ember-data is just a service anyway) or you can create models and push them into the store manually.

this.store.query('thing', {args})

Without knowing more about your exact situation, hard to give a specific code/advice, but I'd just avoid this problem and write your own custom service.

I am actually using a service/serializer/adapter combo to implement a custom "datastore", separate from the default data store. I'm specifically looking for a way to normalize every response, depending on what the actual request path/model was. As @GennadyDogaev pointed out, this can be done with a separate adapter for every model, but I'm looking for a way to do this using normalization in a single file. There are over a dozen normalization functions available. Something should work, right?
– Redsandro
Jul 1 at 15:19




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