How do I set the instance count of a Elastic Beanstalk environment to 0?

Multi tool use
How do I set the instance count of a Elastic Beanstalk environment to 0?
In other words I would like to temporarily turn off an environment (and its associated billing costs) but not delete it entirely.
It seems if I set the [Configuration > Web Tier > Scaling > Minimum instance count] to 0 along with the related "Maximum instance count", AWS rejects those settings as invalid. Ditto for questionable values like 0.1.
Any ideas for temporarily taking an Elastic Beanstalk environment out of service?
3 Answers
You can achieve this by defining time periods in your environment.
from your Elastic Load blanancer dashboard navigate through: Configuration -> Capacity -> Time-based scaling -> Scheduled actions.
You may choose to use multiple scheduled actions to start and stop your environment.
i.e. One to start your environment and another to stop it, or scale out during high load periods and back in after.
In the background the elastic beanstalk will terminate and recreate the EC2 AWS doesn’t support suspending or pausing of the EC2 machines; so be aware.
I have used this to turn my environments off when they are no longer needed. For example, I have a workload that crawls looking for new content; and I pause this crawling after it has once completed. I also use this feature to spin down my nonproduction environments outside of working hours.
I prefer this method to others as it is supported by both single instance and load-balanced environments.
I don't believe this is possible. I any case, you would still have a load balancer in front for which you pay, so you're not really reducing the costs for this environment.
It makes more sense to delete the environment completely create a script that will deploy a version from your application versions to a new environment.
How about eb scale 0
using the Elastic Beanstalk CLI tools?
eb scale 0
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