How to catch exceptions from spring webflux controller?

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How to catch exceptions from spring webflux controller?
I am using javax validations in my controller with @Valid @RequestBody
. When the server receives invalid data it throws error but I want to handle that error and return custom formatted error. I am unable to catch exception in my controller advice. I am using spring webFlux so can't use the bindingResult. How can I handle that exception? Here is my code
@Valid @RequestBody
fun createPerson(@Valid @RequestBody resource: PersonResource): Mono<Person> {
data class PersonResource(
val id: String?,
val name: String,
class ApiErrorHandler {
fun handleValidationErrors(e: IllegalArgumentException): ResponseEntity<*> {
// never reaches here
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Maybe this solution will work for you. Declare the parameter as Mono<PersonResource> and handle the error with doOnError()
– Rene Preissel
Jul 2 at 5:37