How to find system memory addresses? (SPI Flash)

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

How to find system memory addresses? (SPI Flash)

Device use eCos real-time operating system for embedded systems. I'm trying to read the particular areas of SPI flash memory, the communication with device using the command line interface.

Flash Device Information:

CFI Compliant: no
Command Set: Generic SPI Flash
Device/Bus Width: x16
Little Word Endian: no
Fast Bulk Erase: no
Multibyte Write: 256 bytes max
Phys base address: 0xbadf1a5
Uncached Virt addr: 0x1badf1a5
Cached Virt addr: 0x2badf1a5
Number of blocks: 129
Total size: 8388608 bytes, 8 Mbytes
Current mode: Read Array
Device Size: 8388608, Write buffer: 256, Busy bit:

Size Device Device Region
Block kB Address Offset Offset Region Allocation
----- ---- ---------- ----------- --------- -----------------
0 32 0x1badf1a5 0 0 Bootloader (32768 bytes)
1 32 0x1bae71a5 32768 ??? {unassigned}
2 64 0x1baef1a5 65536 0 Permanent NonVol (65536 bytes)
3 64 0x1baff1a5 131072 0 Image1
4 64 0x1bb0f1a5 196608 65536 Image1
5 64 0x1bb1f1a5 262144 131072 Image1
6 64 0x1bb2f1a5 327680 196608 Image1
7 64 0x1bb3f1a5 393216 262144 Image1
... ... ... ... ....
127 64 0x1c2bf1a5 8257536 4063232 Image2 (4128768 bytes)
128 64 0x1c2cf1a5 8323072 0 Dynamic NonVol (65536 bytes)

There are given an example command to read flash memory:

readmem -s 4 -n 64 0x80001234 -- Reads 64 bytes as 32-bit values.

I tried readmem -s 4 -n 16384 0x1badf1a5,
but command returns error, for any addresses I tried:

readmem -s 4 -n 16384 0x1badf1a5

ERROR - Address

So I guess the 'Device Address' in above table is not a System memory address, but probably the address of the hardware device used to access the SPI chip by the OS and bootloader. I understand that processor’s memory controller maps the Flash Address Space to the System Address Space. And flash word-size differs from system word-size. Typically, the processor’s memory controller allows the flash address space to be mapped to the system address space by writing the flash base address and flash memory size to the memory controller at system initialization time.
Can anyone advice how to find the System memory address, where the SPI flash is mapped into System memory?

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