Images not displaying the first time in this object program in JS

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Images not displaying the first time in this object program in JS

I am making a battleship game with polar coordinates. After the user chooses two points, a battleship should be drawn in the middle. My Battleship constructor looks like this:

function Battleship(size, location, source){
this.size = size;
//initializing the image
this.image = new Image();
this.image.src = source;
this.getMiddlePoint = function(){
//get midpoint of ship
this.distanceBetween = function(t1, t2){
//dist between two points
this.display = function(){
var point = [this.radius];
point = polarToReal(point[0], point[1] * Math.PI / 12);
//now point has canvas coordinates of midpoint
var width = this.distanceBetween([0][0],[][0]);
var ratio = this.image.width / width;
ctx.drawImage(this.image, point[0] - width/2, point[1] - this.image.height / ratio / 2, width, this.image.height / ratio);
//draws the image

The display method of each ship gets called at a certain point (after the user has chosen the location). For some reason, the images do not show the first time I do this, but when I run this code at the very end:


for(var i = 0; i<playerMap.ships.length; i++){

All ships are displayed correctly (not aligned well, but they are displayed). I think there is a problem with loading the images. I am not sure how to fix this. I tried using image.onload but I never got that to work. I also tried something like this:


var loadImage = function (url, ctx) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = url
img.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

but the same problem kept happening. Please help me fix this problem. Here is the game in its current condition. If you place ships, nothing happens, but after you place 5 (or 10) ships, they suddenly all load.


I solved the problem by globally defining the images. This is still very bad practice, since I wanted this to be in the battleship object. This is my (temporary) solution:

var sub = ;
for(var i = 1; i<5; i++){
sub[i] = new Image();
sub[i].src = "/img/ships/battleship_"+i+".png";

Is there a reason that you are defining all of your methods directly on the instance instead of the prototype? See…. This is not why it's breaking, but just a point about OOP in JS.
– Chad Moore
Jul 2 at 17:20

BTW, your little sub global array has an empty first element because JS arrays are zero based indexes, e.g. first index is 0, not 1. I assume you meant to do that to get images battleship_1 through battleship_4, but be aware of that if you loop through that array anywhere else.
– Chad Moore
Jul 2 at 17:23



Nice little game though. Good luck with your homework!
– Chad Moore
Jul 2 at 17:24

@ChadMoore Thanks for your response! I am aware of the array indexing, and it was intentional. A math teacher wanted me to make this for her algebra class haha. Yes, I'll update my code with prototypes, my bad. I realized that they are more efficient and accepted.
– Nick Solonko
Jul 2 at 18:37

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