Jest fake timers with promises

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Jest fake timers with promises

I'm having a little trouble getting the Jest testing framework (version 23.2.0) to work nicely when using a combination of fake timers and promises. Where am I going wrong?

Let's say I have the following module:

// timing.js

export const timeout = ms =>
new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)

And my test file looks like:

// timing.test.js

import { timeout } from './timing'

describe('timeout()', () => {
beforeEach(() => {

it('resolves in a given amount of time', () => {
const spy = jest.fn()



This fails with the following output:

● timeout › resolves in a given amount of time


Expected mock function to have been called, but it was not called.

15 |
16 | jest.advanceTimersByTime(100)
> 17 | expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled()
| ^
18 | })
19 | })
20 |

at Object.<anonymous> (src/timing.test.js:17:17)

However, if I remove the promise:

// timing.js
export const timeout = ms => ({
then: resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)

... the test will pass

✓ resolves in a given amount of time (5ms)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.304s


Although it's not the most elegant solution, I'm currently using the below test instead. It works, but I'm still intrigued why the original one didn't

import { timeout } from './timing'

describe('timeout', () => {
it('resolves in a given amount of time', done => {
setTimeout(() => done(new Error('it didn't resolve or took longer than expected')), 10)
return timeout(9).then(done)

1 Answer

You're not doing anything wrong - it doesn't work at the moment - sorry. The following things have to happen before this will work from our end:


The problem in a gist is that the .then(spy) only gets called later.


As we are volunteers - there is no concrete timeline for these things. I hope SimenB does the merge in the coming 2-3 months and I'll follow up with the hook with the V8 team next month.

You can always write an async test:

// note this is an async function now
it('resolves in a given amount of time', async () => {
// this is in a promise.reoslve.then to not 'lock' on the await
Promise.resolve().then(() => jest.advanceTimersByTime(100));
await timeout(100);

You can add expectations after the timeout if there is anything else you want to wait for.

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